My new scars

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Hey! Thank you for choosing to read

my book! It's the first one I've done

on Wattpad and I hope you enjoy! *


This book involves graphic

information, contains language and has

major emotion changes.

~Chapter one~

I was adopted by a nice and mind family with 2 girls younger than me. We were in their car returning I he orphanage because they were returning me. they treated me kindly and treated me as if I was their own, but they didn't understand me. The room I was saying in had light purple walls, with pink an white dolls, and toys everywhere. I was all girly and I didn't like girly. I snuck out all the time at home and to go to party's and is secretly go to the forest I relax.

We turned a corner and I saw the familiar red bricked orphanage. You could see the form of Mistress Katie. I hated it here cause it's filled with sadness, because every kid there had no parents an since I was one of the oldest. Which means I have to watch over the younger kids and help them. We pulled up the drive way to the front door and I got out, carrying both of my suitcases.

"Goodbye Amelia!" The man who was 'once my father' yelled.

I looked back and glared at him in my most evilest looks possible.

"I told you my name is Starlight!" I yelled in anger, giving him the middle finger and then quickly rushed up to the front doors.

Mistress Katie tried helping me with my bags but I pulled away and immediately ran up to my room. I smiled as I walked into my familiar room. It had dark purple walls with a stripe of grey along the middle and it was covered with my favourite metal posters. My bed had it's black pillows and comforter and my desk was still in the corner. My mirror had some lipstick marks. I smiled again remembering how they got there.

I had a boyfriend at the orphanage and I was practicing kissing him but he got adopted and taken out of he country. So I couldn't contact him. I walked into my room and unpacked my clothes into my dresser. I went into my bathroom and looked behind my shower curtain and found my razor blades. I rolled up my sleeve but realizing that I had no where else to cut. My arm was covered in scars and healing cuts. I check my over arm and saw the same thing. 'I guess it's time for my legs'. I thought to myself.

I've never worried about scaring. I've been called terrible names and ugly a lot. One family made me go into depression . I don't care if I scar my body because everyone else makes it so easy. I'm ugly. I'm terrible..

I slid the blade along my leg. I was so numb I couldn't feel a thing. 6 cuts on each leg. 'That should do it' I thought. The blood was flowing so I ran a bath and kneeled into the tub and cleaned the wounds. I dried my legs with my towel and pulled on my loose pyjama pants.


I hope you liked chapter one!! Comment and follow me! Inbox me too!!



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