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Wally, of course, was the one to realize it.

"Rick. Rick." He poked his roommate in the face. Richard pulled the blanket up over his face, rolled over on his stomach, and put his pillow over his head.

Wally glared at the lump of blankets and bedding. "I know you're awake, Grayson."

"Go 'way, I gotta case tomorrow," Rick slurred a second before he started snoring again.

Wally immaturely stuck out his tongue at Rick, grudgingly pulling on pants and a shirt over his bright yellow boxers before leaving their shared bedroom again. He walked down the hall quietly, trying not to wake more roommates than he had to. Connor was grouchier than Grumpy Cat if anyone woke him up too early.

Wally, Rick, Connor, and their five other friends shared a three-room apartment, mostly because the three of them and their friend, Kaldur, all wanted to share an apartment together after college and then they brought along their girlfriends, who were also good friends. Megan, Artemis, Zatanna, and Raquel shared the master bedroom, and Connor roomed with Kaldur because Kaldur was, apparently, the quietest of them all.

He quietly opened the door to the master bedroom. Raquel and Zee had fallen asleep in the middle of a braiding session again, with Raquel sitting on her bed leaning against the wall, and Zatanna leaning against Raquel's twin bed, opposite her own.

Megan and Artemis shared a bunk bed, with Artemis, fortunately for Wally, on the bottom bunk. Megan loved heights.

"Hey, babe," Wally gently brushed Artemis' bangs out of her face. Even in the darkness of the early morning, her golden hair seemed to glow just like Rapunzel's.

'Artemis sighed and shifted in her sleep. "What is it, Wally?" She asked, keeping her eyes closed.

"We're out of food." Wally put his lips in a tight line.

"Go buy some," His girlfriend told him, rolling over to face the wall.

"But it's dark out." Wally made puppy eyes, even though Artemis couldn't see them. He froze his face in that position until she finally spoke again, two minutes later.

"Give me five minutes."

Wally punched his fist in the air and began to take giant tiptoe steps back towards the door.

He jumped at a loud clanging noise that rang out from behind him, and spun around to see Artemis sitting up in bed, holding her head, and shouting in her native language of Vietnamese.

"What's going on?" Megan was instantly awake, and turned on her lamp. Artemis' shouts also woke Zatanna, who's tangled hair whipped around her face and made her spit out the hairs that ended up in her mouth.

"Wallace Rudolph West you better have a good reason for being in our bedroom at..." Raquel rubbed her eyes, searching the room for the digital alarm clock.

"Twelve-o-four at night."

"Morning, actually," Zee corrected with a yawn, shoving her hair back out of her face with sleepy strength.

"Sorry girls, it was all me, go back to sleep," Artemis told them.

"What are you doing?" Megan asked.

"We're out of food, and Wall-man needs a protector from the beasties in the dark," Artemis pulled on her jeans and a pair of mismatched socks she'd worn earlier today.

"Hey!" Wally said, burning red-faced in the bedroom doorway.

"Really? I'm coming too!" Megan pushed through her mess of a bed and slid down the ladder.

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