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Water splashed my face as I dove into the water. They were after me. They were all after me. I technically hadn't done anything wrong. It was an accident. How was I supposed to know that would happen? It wasn't my fault. Propelling my tail even faster, I sped through the open ocean as I tried desperately to rid myself of them.

I glanced up above the water to see the sun was beginning to disappear. I dove deeper into the water only to jump out so I could catch a whiff of the air. I wasn't able to look up. But, I could smell the air well enough to know it was about to rain. Just my luck. I picked up my pace as I took a considerably large breath before diving deeper into the sea. I didn't dare look behind me to see if I was still being followed. But, I assumed I wasn't because I had been swimming for what had to be a full sun passing. On top of that, my stamina was always the best out of my pod.

If my navigations were correct, I would eventually be approaching a human-made, wooden slab. I never knew what they were called. The humans I listened to whenever I was near never really said the word for it. As for why I was there, I would need to learn their language somehow. It was the only way I would survive.


I swam for a little longer before finally approaching rock, and then slabs and floaters. I eventually stopped moving, and looked at my surroundings to make sure I was alone. Once I concluded that the coast was clear, I swam under one of the slabs and surfaced with a desperate gulp. I clung to a rod as I began heaving. 

It took me awhile to realize it was still pouring. Despite the banging of water against the slab, I was still able make out the stomping of shoes and loud talking above me. I swam further back to where I'd hear them better. Maybe I'd finally learn what the slab was called.

"Of course I didn't pay her! I wasn't satisfied with my service." I heard a voice say. I had heard sentences like that before - so many sea-humans ranting about services and whether to pay the giver or not. Still, I never understood what they were about. I'm sure I'll learn one day. After all, I may be spending a lot of time in this area, considering my current situations.

"Whatever." Another voice chimed in. "Apart from that, did you hear that rumor going around?"

"What rumor?" The first voice replied.

I didn't hear the first part of what was said. But, I did hear "...recruiting memb...South port." I assumed it was recruiting members. But, for what?

"Is he, now? When?" The other man said desperately.

"Tomorrow. Make sure you're there."

"Oh believe me. I will." The first man said. A smile crept onto my face as I thought of how I might be, in some way, free of my dreadful fate forever. This certainly sounded like an invitation to me, and believe me, I will be there, too.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2020 ⏰

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