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My name is Saffron , I am 15 years old, I live in a flat, in what some people would call the rough end of London, with my mum, Savannah, my 9 year old brother, Sam, my 4 year old sister, Star and Sophie, my little sister, who is only 3.

I guess you could call us poor? We live in one of them scruffy council flats that look disgusting on both the inside and outside.

Now, let me tell you a bit about my family:

Savannah, my mum:
My mum is basically an alcoholic. She goes out every night down to the pub and spends whatever money she can scrape up. She smokes at least 20 cigarettes a day which makes us and our flat smell like dirty smoke. Most mothers do their best to look out for their children and care for them, but not our mum.
Sam, the second oldest:
Sam is the second oldest but sometimes act like he is the boss of the house. He is always trying to tell us what to do, usually ending up in tears and most definitely the wrong thing.
Star, the second youngest:
Star is timid, she is very timid indeed. She tries her best to get mum's attention and often feels left out, especially as she is still young.
Sophie , the youngest:
Sophie is probably mum's favourite, she's sucks up to mum a lot and normally gets the rest of us into trouble, in other words, she's a nightmare.
And then there is me, Sasha:
I'm basically the mum of this family. The one who keeps us together and keeps us safe. I usually have to miss school because I have to either help my mum or look after my siblings.

You may be wondering where our dad is. Well, when my mum was pregnant with me, he was happy, then something changed, they began to argue and it got worse each time she got pregnant again. Dad started to get annoyed, he lashed out and usually took it out on me or my mum. He left us, he doesn't stay in contact with us anymore, but that's ok, we don't need him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2020 ⏰

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