We Are Human

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The truth is that you can’t really rely on anyone but yourself

It doesn’t matter what the Disney Channel teaches

Or who wants to hold your hand

In the end, you have to be your own best friend

The only one that you can make stay with you through hell and high water

Anyone who says they don’t put themselves first

Hasn’t been pushed to the brink of their own mental sanity yet.

We are human

Disgustingly selfish by nature

And anyone that claims otherwise struggles with our other tendency

Intentional ignorance

People will never do anything selflessly

Even if they think they are

There’s some sick relief when you get to be assured you’re a good person

Because you raked a pile of leaves for your sick neighbor without payment

Or listened to jazz with your grandma, even though you hate it

Or stood up for someone who was getting harassed

People who say they only care about the community

The greater good


Scientific progress

The children in the ghettos of some Third World country

Whatever the hell is bigger than themselves that they have an attachment to

They might believe what they’re saying

But those are the most selfish, egotistical people on the planet

Because they let themselves believe they as an individual matter to where ever history is taking us tomorrow

So generous of them to loan their whole selves to “The Cause”

So disgusting

When the virus cures itself, there won’t be room for martyrs

And when the minorities get their rights, protesters in the masses will be forgotten

And when you don’t have anything interesting or mysterious left hidden to someone, they will eventually find someone with new issues and stories to discover

And then you’re alone

As you were the whole time

But now you have to notice.

There’s nothing wrong with surrounding yourself with people who care about you

And there’s nothing wrong with caring for them

Or trusting them

But in the end

It’s going to be you that you have to answer to

We Are HumanWhere stories live. Discover now