Fandom Roleplay (open to all)

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Okay, this is a Roleplay type thing and all fandomers are welcome. There are a few rules.

1. No cussing

2. No dirty stuff (Very important. Don't get nasty. Obscure references are fine for the most part but don't get dirty)

3. Don't worry about randomly coming in. Its okay. Just jump in. If you are an original character, just explain a bit about yourself, at least the species and abilities.

4. Don't control other people's characters. That's not cool.

5. I'm the tenth Doctor. Sorry.

6. Don't insult other people for their fandoms.

7. Follow the rules.

8. Have fuuuuun!

The Roleplay is in the comments/reviews thingy majig down below

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2014 ⏰

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