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ev•a•nes•cent adjective

1. soon passing out of sight, memory, or existence; quickly fading or disappearing.

This was it.

One Direction's last concert ever.

They had a good run but they had gotten to a point in each of their lives where they wanted to settle down.

Zayn had just gotten married and wanted to enjoy his future with Perrie. Liam just recently popped the question and was happily engaged to Sophia. Niall just got a new girlfriend and he was excited for what the future held. Harry couldn't wait to settle down and start a family. Louis was just tired and was looking forward to being able to rest.

But saying that, the boys were going to miss this immensely. Touring, making music, meeting fans, they were giving up a lot. It was incredibly bittersweet but they all thought they were ready for this change. It's not like their friendship would change and you never know, in a few year they could do a reunion tour.

Backstage at the O2 they were preparing for the show that they would forever remember. Going through their preshow rituals they pretended like this was like every other show. When Paul had said they have 5 minutes left they all looked at each other trying not to get misty eyed. They reminded each other that this wasn't going to be the last time they saw each other. With deep breaths they got their mic's and walked back stage.


Walking on stage, the lights are all off as they take their places, the crowd is silent. "We're One Direction" they say in unison, flashing back to the xfactor days.

The crowd goes crazy, the lights go on and shots get fired.

Time slows down and everyone is stuck in a moment they wish they weren't. Different screams echo throughout the arena from the previous ones. Screams of horror and pain bounce off every wall. Standing in the crowd the hundreds of girls watch as their idols get hit by the shower of bullets.

Louis falls to the ground and doesn't move.

Niall is on his knees and clutching his chest.

Harry screams out as another hits him.

Zayn is crouched down trying to help his band mates but his hands are shaking and he's not sure who's blood he's covered in.

Guards are rushing on stage now and that's the last thing Liam see's before he faints.


It's the next morning, though it feels like time has stopped. In a time like this how can one rely on the numbers on a clock. Nothing makes sense, everybody is asking why.

why did it happen, why them, why, why, why.

Louis is dead. He was killed instantly on stage by a single bullet to the head. The doctors said he died quickly, like that was suppose to help them accept it.

Niall was in the intensive care unit. He had gone into emergency surgery after the bullet grazed his heart. He was stable now but had gone into cardiac arrest a few moments ago and flat-lined twice. The doctors said his future, if he still had one, was uncertain.

Liam can't handle sitting in the waiting room anymore. With everyone's pitying looks and the quietness that enveloped him, he just couldn't take it anymore. He's shouting and yelling and he may be crying but he's not even sure.

The nurses that rush over to him are telling him he's in shock and he needs to calm down. But when the images from last night are replaying in his mind, he can't process anything else.

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