The way we used to be

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Looking around this room

I see old memories,

Of the times we  used to share.

We were close,

Some might say inseperable,

But that swiftly changed.

We talked all night

And shared advice,

We broke rules for on another.

Tell me why,

I used to think that I could understand,

But I was really just lying to myself.

The way we used to be,

We used to best friends,

Hell, you were one of my only friends.

I went to you with my problems, 

You did the same with me,

 But we just don't do that anymore.

DO you know what it's like,

To lose a friend,

To lose your best friend?

I can't talk to you anymore,

I can't keep trying to get you to understand,

 If you care about me the same way as before,

I would really like to know why and how?

Why do you still feel that way,

We don't play around,

We don't talk.

How can you feel the same,

Everything has changed,

Things will never be the same.

The way we used to be,

We would wait all day to ask one another a question,

We would talk for hours on end.

The way we used to be,

Will never be the way we are.

I'm looking around this room,

Where we used to share everthing,

Crying, because we aren't the way we used to be...

Then things got worse...Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora