Chapter Four: Romeo and Juliet

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            Hawk turned into Midtown, driving 80 in a 60 zone. That was the best part about being a cop. You could break what you were enforcing with something as simple as flashing lights.

            Isabella flashed something in his face. “What’s this?” He twisted his head to see what she was waving back and forth.

            “What does it say?”

            “Hawk: Remember Kayla’s play is at 3 pm. Be there and don’t be late this time.” She stuck the post it back where it was. “Who’s Kayla? Your wife?” Hawk choked and the car spun out of control momentarily.

            “No, that’s my daughter.”

            Isabella made a noise that sounded kind of like a sarcastic mmhmm. “So you do have a wife?”

            “I do not.” That was all she needed to know. Getting deeper into the whole affair about Sidney was not needed. “So, what about you. Any relationships? Any lust driven guys coming to pick you up from the HQ?”

            Isabella giggled and leaned back in the seat. “I got out of a long relationship about a year ago. I think I’m ready for another one, but not serious.” Her eyes met his as he glanced her way and her cheeks flushed a deep red. Almost violet.

            After that, she just looked out the window the rest of the time. Her right arm leaning against the doors ledge and her other lying on her thigh. It was a very professional way of sitting, but it also gave him the impression of someone who had too much to think about. Not that it was any of his business.

            The stop light turned yellow and Hawk hit the gas. He had to make it. Hawk swerved in between two cars and crossed the line when the light turned red. Swearing profoundly and loudly, he stomped harder on the gas.

            “Turn left,” went the GPS. Swearing with a larger vocabulary, Alex hit the brake and turned the wheel. His car spun a few times before it slowed and he regained control. Then he slammed the gas pedal, and the car jerked into motion. Hawk found himself in the middle of the road, with cars zooming all around him.

            A second past. Ten seconds past. And then he spotted a small opening. He took advantage of it. Apparently Isabella caught on since she started screaming. They crossed the river of cars and continued their way to the address.

            “I hate these things,” muttered Hawk, hitting the GPS finally letting out a deep breath. He hadn’t even known he had been holding it until just then.

            “We’re almost there,” said Isabella. “Try not to kill us before we get there.” Hawk snorted and made the car follow the street’s curve.

            Ten minutes later they stood in front of an apartment complex. And it wasn’t one of those five star hotels or really nice apartment. The owner would be incredibly lucky if they were allowed to stay open after an inspection.

            Hawk sniffed the air and regretted it the same instance. Raw meat, burnt wood, and sweat pushed their way into his nostrils. Beside him, Isabella coughed and covered her nose using the cuff of her black jacket.

            Inside the musty building an old woman sat on a stool. In front of her was a rather new looking desk. Hawk had no idea what it was made of, but seeing the shiny white gleam he figured it must have cost a ton.

            Hawk flashed his badge at the old lady. “NYPD. We’re looking for a Miss Nancy O’Connor.”

            “We don’t have anyone named Nancy,” said the lady, fatigue showing as she groaned getting up.

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