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I was lying on my bed, looking at the sky. The sky, it looks different! It used to be dark but now it's awake! And I needed to tell my sister elsa.
"Elsa! Wake up wake up wake up!"
"Anna, go back to sleep." She replied
"I just can't!" I said "the sky's awake! So I'm awake! So we have to play!"
"Go play by yourself!" She said giggling.
My sister was different from the others. She's tall for her age. She has blond hair, almost white if you ask me. But specially, the most important thing, is that she has ice powers. She can make whatever she wants with ice! She can make snow in our palace! She can build a snowman just with the move of her hand! She has 10 years old. Four years older than I am, but I still know how to make her play with me.
"Elsa?" I whispered "do you wanna build a snowman?"
She immediately came out of bed.
We both ran downstairs. I was laughing so hard! I was so happy!
"Shhhh! Anna! You'll wake up the whole palace!"
"Then let's go to the ball room!"
We opened the gigantic doors of the room. The ball room was beautiful. The floor was especially made to dance. And at the bottom of the room, were the thrones of our parents. The king and the queen from our kingdom, arendelle.
"Do the magic, do the magic!" I said
Elsa made a little snowball with the move of her hands.
She said and threw the ball into the air. It started snowing.
"This is amazing!" I yelled.
"Watch this!" She told me and she hit her foot into the floor and it turned into... Ice!
We skated. We played with snowballs.
She made a snowman for me
"Hi I'm olaf and I like warm hugs" she said pretending to be the snowman.
"I love you olaf" and I gave it a hug.
I started jumping into the air but I landed in mountains of snow that elsa made.
"Anna! Slow down!!!!"
I didn't listened. I kept jumping until she fell because of the ice.
I saw I gigantic ray of blue light coming to me. It hit me. My head was aching. I fell from the air into the floor covered with snow. The last thing I remembered was elsa running toward me.


I woke up the next day. My head was aching. I remembered yesterday my parents, my sister elsa and I were playing on the snow of the park. Elsa and were skating.
I fell. My head stroke the ice so hard that I fainted. That's all I can remember.
I went out of bed, to open the window. But when I did I noticed that something was missing. Elsa's bed. Elsa's things. All gone.
Once out of my room I noticed that all the things that belonged to elsa were removed to the next room. It used to be empty, but now it seems to be Elsa's new room.
The door is white with blue designs on it. I saw elsa, just right behind the door. She gave me a look. A sad look. And shut the door. What did I ever do to her? Or what did she ever do to me? Nothing. We are both normal, there's no need of separation.
• • •
3 days. 3 days since elsa hasn't come out of her room. Not even to eat.
All the gates were closed, I don't know why. No one can come in, no one can go out. No more visits to the park.
I took the courage and knocked that door.
"Elsa?" I said.
"Do you wanna build a snowman?"
Nothing. She didn't replied. But I couldn't give up.
"I never see you anymore, come out the door it's like you've gone away!" I said a little louder
"Why you shut me out?" I was getting mad
"Do you wanna build a snowman?" Maybe she doesn't
"It doesn't have to be a snowman!"
"Go away Anna!" She finally replied. But I hope she didn't. I wanted to cry but I didn't I only said
• • •
4 years. I started to forget a little about her face. I want to see my sister.
So I stood next to her door
"Do you wanna build a snowman?"
Nothing again.
"Elsa please come out!" I yelled at her door
"Anna go away!" She said firmly. Her voice has changed. Well, obviously I wasn't going to hear the voice of a 10 years old girl. She's now 14 and I didn't even had the chance to tell her a happy birthday ever.
"Ok, um..." I don't know why I hesitated but finally the words came out from my mouth. "Bye Elsa"


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