[DISCONTINUED] The Heroine Of Oakvale - A Fable 1 Fan-Fiction.

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Sylph found herself being awakened by her mother, her long, brown bangs where brushed to the side of her pale face.

“Sylph you need to wake up, you need to get ready for Theresa’s party” Her mother lightly shook her awake. She moaned at the brightness and stretched her arms. Her mother chuckled at the sight of her daughter lazily getting out of humble bed and heading to her wardrobe. Sylph looked around her tiny cottage, her eyes rested upon a small painting done by Theresa, it was a flower, the colours beamed blue, yellow and green, this painting hung above Sylph’s bed, this was the best gift she had been given.

After Sylph had gotten dressed, she was waiting outside her thatched cottage, patting the dust from her worn dress; she was awaiting her mother’s to return with a gift for Theresa.

“Ahh Sylph there you are! Father and Demyse are already at Theresa’s house they’re waiting for her to return, Brom said it was alright for us to stay there until they she got home, now let us go” Her mother had finally returned and she held her hand out for the undiscovered hero to hold onto. “So did you get 'er a gift?” The mother asked Sylph, and when Sylph didn’t say a word her mother said “I take that as a no, well we still have some time, why don’t you see if anyone needs some help and for every good deed you do, I’ll give you 1 gold piece until you have enough to buy her present.”  The mother let go of Sylph’s hand and she ran off into the village of Oakvale.

Sylph approached a boy, about 7 or 8. Chicken Chaser. That’s what everyone called the boy standing in front of Sylph. It was his nickname, like Sylph was this hero’s nickname. Chicken Chaser smiled at Sylph then ran in the direction of his and his sister, Theresa’s house. Sylph just smiled over her shoulder as she watched her best friend run away.

Sylph went down to the docks, she found a woman in need of help with her ducks.

“Little girl come ‘ere, can you help me get rid of these ducks. Be careful, the one over there is a right stallion” She asked as she waved a hand for Sylph to come over. Sylph came over and chased away all the ducks, like you’d expect. She smiled throughout the whole process, the freedom of the ducks and her spirit at this moment was more than enough to make a girl feel the extremes of euphoria.

“Well done, love! Those duck won’t be pestering me anytime soon, here have a gold piece” The woman smiled at her, now cleared, pond, that laid  water lilies and fish that freely swam under the cooling water, a thought popped into Sylph’s head. When the water is cold, do the fish feel cold? Sylph was snapped out of her thoughts by the woman handing her a gold piece.

A flower lay glistening under the bright Albion sunlight, the petals where a deep shade of blue, the pollen, a yellow that bared an orange tint. Sylph noticed this flower caught up in a field of less magnificent white daisies. A wave of remembrance washed over Sylph, as she thought back to the moment to Theresa’s drawing. A flower. Deep blues, yellows with tints of orange, and the brightest green stem.

Cautiously Sylph stalked her way over to where the flower rested; she picked the flower then ran home. She put the flower in a scarcely cleaned glass; she filled the glass with sea water before making her way back to her mother.

“Sylph, I ‘eard you did help Miss Garret with ‘er ducks, do you have enough for a gift for Theresa?” Sylph’s mother was sat inside the home of Chicken Chaser, Theresa, Brom and occasionally their mother, who never seemed to be home. The parents never told the children the reason why the mother of Theresa and Chicken Chaser had to leave them for so long; they’d tell them that ‘she help fight bad people’.

Sylph reached into the pocket of her dress, she pulled out the single gold coin that shone in her hands, and she showed the coin to her mother.

“That’s a nice flower, why don’t you give her that? It looks like the one in the picture above your bed” Demyse, her brother, smiled and pointed to the flower that Sylph smiled down at the thought of Theresa’s reaction to the flower. That’s when a scream over took the village.

“BANDITS!” A male voice screamed, making everyone’s face turn to distraught stone. Sylph looked over her shoulder, she knew she had to hide and that’s exactly what she intended to do. A man dressed in tattered white and brown cloths approached the house. She shoved the flower into her pocket before she hid under the bed, thinking it would be the best hiding spot until she saw the bandit rush into the home, his steel sword mercilessly sliced through her father’s chest. Sylph brought her hands to her mouth as she tried her hardest no to let out any kinds of noises or whimpers.

“Well, well, well what do we have ‘ere?” A balaclava caused his eyes be the first thing Sylph met as the bandit ducked down to see under the bed at her. A rough hand grabbed the little girl’s hair, pulling her out and he stood up with her.

“NO! Let ‘er go!”  The mothers screams pierced through the air waves, as Sylph’s cheeks where now covered in tears of sorrow and pain. Her mother was being held down by 2 others that had entered the house when Sylph was hid.

The bandit continued to drag Sylph until they were outside of cottage. Inside the cottage Brom managed to get free from the Bandits, he ran outside to try and save Sylph, but with a flick of the wrist by the monster that held Sylph, Brom was lying on the floor in front of her. Dead.

“Now tell me, where is your…little friend?” The bandit held the sword to Sylph’s throat, one cough or slight hand gesture and Sylph would be dead. Sylph continued to stay silent, not knowing who they were referring to.

“Sylph don’t tell him a thing” Scarlet Robe’s voice shrieked throughout the modest village. Scarlet Robe was the mother of Theresa and Chicken Chaser, now she’s also a widow.

“You better tell me where your friend is or we’ll burn this cottage down, with mother and brother inside” The bandit smiled, the sword still stuck to Sylph’s throat.


So this is a new story, little different to the rest of my stories and I want to post it and it over with so I can work on the next chapter, oh and if you haven't guessed this is a Fable: TLC fan-fiction, because that's my favourite game ;)

Please comment and vote, I want to hear your feedback ;3

<3 Frankie 

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2014 ⏰

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