Chapter One

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Hi guys :)

This was previously called "Cold", but I decided to change the name because I wanted something that stood out a little more.

I also write Somber", but this is going to be my new story. If you couldn't tell by the cover, it is again going to be a Harry fanfic although it the storyline is going to be nothing like I've previously done, so I'm a bit nervous to share it!

This story will contain mature content, so please read at your own risk.

Hope you enjoy it, please leave me some feedback below if you think I should continue the story & vote if you wish, also feel free to ask me any questions, I will answer them all :)




I watched as the notes rolled off of her tongue effortlessly, the whiskey and honey tone of her voice filling the room to it's very province. With every breath she drew, she tore the song from it's roots, captivating everyone without fail. My curious eyes scanned around the room, observing each and every person, their faces contorted in donning, enthralled gazes. I could almost feel their breaths of appreciation, and it was as if their gratitude of the performer was being forced upon them, it almost seemed like their reactions weren't genuine, as if it were against their own will.

The idle of chatter that had been flowing throw the room a few moments ago dulled down, and everyone in my sight had diverted their attention to the girl with the gold dress on stage. She swayed her hips lightly to the beat of the song, running her hands down her torso, stopping when she reached her breasts, dropping a wink to a man, but I couldn't quite see who it was through the luminous lighting from the stage. I squinted and took a better look, and I could see a male figure who seemed unfazed as well as disinterested at the girl's actions. I couldn't quite make out his face, but I could spot a lot of dark brown hair, and another two women sat on either side of him. By the way they were running their hands over his body and the way each one of them fighting for his attention, it didn't seem like they were with him as friends.

What a bunch of slags.

I turned away abruptly as the man turned his head to face me, trying to make it as though I had not been gawking at him. I raised my flute of expensive rose-coloured champagne to my lips, my blood-red lipstick stained the rim of the antique glass. I only took a small sip, that way I could savour the taste.

Though as I looked over the crowd of people again, I couldn't quite put my finger on why the people were so drawn to that singer. Sure, she was pretty and had a nice voice, but it was nothing worth raving about.

I placed the flute back down on the bench of the bar, excusing myself to the restroom to freshen up. The uncanny behaviour of the people in here was beginning to make me a little uneasy.

I opened the door, thankful that it was empty. I reached into my purse to retrieve my lipstick, reapplying it to the parts of my lips that needed it. I stood back a little so I could check over my appearance before I walked back out. The long sleeved, black mini-dress clung tightly to my skin and the black stilettos extenuated my legs, and the contrast of the red lipstick to my fair skin was unmissable. My long brown hair hung in loose waves around my shoulders, and the thick amount of mascara I had applied brought out my green eyes. I pushed my hair off of my shoulders before making my way out of the restroom, and back to where I was previously seated, but I came to a slight halt as I saw a male figure perched in my chair.

Dark curls laid atop his head, pushed elegantly back from his flawless complexion and his cutting jaw, and he was looking in my direction, but I was unsure as to whether his eyes were on me or someone else. His full lips tugged up in an entertained smirk as he saw me turn my head, mocking my confusion as to why he was staring at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2021 ⏰

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