The Call

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Sadly I don't own the Ghost Adventures

Zak pov:

Today is Wednesday and which means relaxing time for all of us , so me , Aaron ,and  Billy are watching comedy movies picked by Aaron of course

We all were laughing when the phone rings I sighed " I got it" I said getting up and walking into the Hallway

"Hello?" I said into the phone "Hey Zak sorry to interrupt on your lazy day" Jay said "It's fine what's up" I asked curious

"well we got a investigation call from a worried mother" he said " ok tell me about it" I said " well the woman's name is Shelly and she says that a evil spirit is haunting her teenager daughter and is attacking everyone who goes near her" Jay said shocking me

 " WHAT!?" I  exclaimed " How old is the daughter?" I asked " umm she's 15 years old" he replied

"15 YEARS OLD!!!" I yelled " yep and the mother said it's possessed her a lot of times , too" he said

"Ok we will look into it just give us the files of the girl " I said " then tomorrow we'll go to the house " I said " ok bye Zak" he said " Bye Jay" I said hanging up

I walked into the living room and sat down rubbing my temple " hey what's wrong Zak?" Aaron asked pausing the movie

"We have an investigation for a 15 year old girl getting possessed by an evil spirit" I said "WHAT!?!" they exclaimed "yep so tomorrow we need to help them since she is that young" I said " ok" they said looking worried

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