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He doesn't know what it is about this man.

He's known him for so long, he's forgotten their first metting. When his eyes first locked with those saccharine, striking crimson eyes that shone with unbridled emotion; his porcelain, unusually but pleasingly soft skin; his long, precious Rapunzel-esque hear that graced his shoulders; his full, endearing, warming smile; his loud, charismatic, emotiomal voice. He could write a damn story about this man.
Elias Byström, he is called. Berwald's second player. 2p Sweden.

Out of the rest of his family (antisocial Antonni, incredibly apathetic Mikkel, strangely obssessive Erik and arrogant Lokki), Elias seems to be the most tolerable. He always loves to speak, and listen too, but hearing him merely talk about how his day is like music to one's ear. True, he could be a little too talkative sometimes, but as the Swede himself preached, 'nobody is perfect'.

Him and Mathias get on oddly well, in all honesty. They talk a lot, and have a great (and occasionally dirty) sense of humor. They could sometimes be a bit of a handful to people around them, but also a powerful source of optimism and contagious happiness.

(author's note; thank you for reading! i'm not really sure where i'm going with this, but hey, it's something.)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2017 ⏰

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