Metalworking Lathe Projects - Tools Info

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Metalworking tools are hand tools that are used in the metalworking field

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Metalworking tools are hand tools that are used in the metalworking field. Hand tools are powered solely by the operator. Some are given bellow

1. Angle Grinder

An angle grinder, also known as a side grinder or disc grinder. It is a handheld power tool used for grinding, cutting and polishing.

 It is a handheld power tool used for grinding, cutting and polishing

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A drill is a hand tool, power tool, or machine with a rotating cutting tip or reciprocating hammer or chisel, used for making holes.

A drill is a hand tool, power tool, or machine with a rotating cutting tip or reciprocating hammer or chisel, used for making holes

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An anvil is a block with a hard surface on which another object is struck. The block is as massive as is practical, because the higher the inertia of the anvil.

 The block is as massive as is practical, because the higher the inertia of the anvil

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