Immortal, Irresistable and Innevitable.

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Immortal, Irresistable and Innevitable.


The stories where its always a happy ending are never true.

Life disappoints. And to me that means nothing.Disappointment is a regular in my appointment books. Disaster loves me like, Hell loves to devour on young, untamed souls. I've had my fair share of hapiness I guess, and obviously there's no such thing as being too hopeful. Having a little scrimp of luck is like catching a blowing clover in the wind. Well thats what I thought until I met the unreal. The unbelievable. The... But through all the sweetness, kindness and my few whispers of glory, misery still managed to find me. And thats when my life ended. Brutally, in fact. A sick, demented, twist of fate. Sealed with a burning kiss and the touch of ice. My heart pumped my last millilitre of blood and I was clasped in a pillowed cloud of a spark.

Here I was.

Sitting on the old, worn out bench, which was placed at the rear of the park. It was raining heavily, and my clothes were soaked through. The park was empty and thats how I liked it. I sat there oblivious to my surroundings. I looked up, as I felt a pair of eyes watching my moves. The splashes of water dripped off my eyelashes and my vision was hazy. I stared at this figure who was just standing there unmoving. I looked away intimidated, but the presence of this person was too much for me. I had to look back. But when I did, my eyes were met with nothing but grass. This puzzled me but I thought it normal.

Until the next few days followed...

I ran with the wind on my face. The rain was slowing but to be honest it really didnt bother me. It froze on my skin and fell off. I was rain's personal freezer.

"Hey, Zac come over here!" My friend shouted from across the plain.

Oh no. Carmen.

Somebody I was trying to avoid the past few hours had found me. I looked around and saw my mum waving guiltily coincidently in the back of Carmen's car. What happened to secrecy these days. Now i know never to tell my mum anything ever.

No matter how serious, I can deal with it.

I have been dealing with most things since my sister suddenly got a terrible illness. I havent seen her for 3 days. Shes been locked in her bedroom. This illness is very infectious, dangerous and disgusting for me to see, apparently. They are just lying, as usual. Ever since Dad died they keep everything a secret.

And sometimes... it hurts.

I sit in my bedroom on the red carpeted floor. I hear my mum calling me from downstairs but I dont want to go down there.

"Zener get down here NOW," My mum shouted angrily now.

I got up hastily and went to walk to the door. But as I neared it I hit my foot against the bottom of my bed.

"Owww," I nearly shouted. I looked down and saw my throbbing toes. I had never done that in my life. Was my bed...always there? I continued to walk out of my room and down the steps, whilst I did that my toes bruised a little more.

"Finally," My mum said when I was downstairs. "Anyone would have thought you had gone deaf."

"Um...yeah," I replied.

" was your walk in the park this morning?" She asked. God she was so nosy. And thats why I told her nothing...ever.

"Um...great. I got soaked. I tripped and fell in some shrubs. And I saw some weirdo following me across the plain, so yeah great." I said in a rude sarcastic tone.

"Why the hell did you fall?" She asked, like I ment to do it.

"I dunno, tell my legs to co-ordinate, and there was a branch there which I stepped on and lost balance. And dont worry I havent come down with the clumsy, woozy disease. Its just today my balance has been sleeping." I said taking a grape from its bunch and eating it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2010 ⏰

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