Glass Eye

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  You had to think fast. My Chemical Romance was doing their last song of the night. Somehow, someway, you needed to get Gerard's attention. Then, you had a burst of inspiration.

  You took out your glass eye and threw it at the stage. It hit Gerard's shoulder. He picked it up off the ground with the look of horror.

  Soon after, security came and took you into a room. They said that if he wanted to, Gerard could press charges against you. In the mean time, you were still walking around with one eye.

  As they were escorting you out of the building, something magical happened - Gerard approached you.

  "You can let her go," he told them. They let you go and he continued talking to you. He held out your glass eye.

  "I believe this is yours," Gerard said. You nodded and he gave it back to you. "I cleaned it off for you," he said.

  "Thank you," you said as you put the glass eye back into your left eye socket. You were overwhelmed by emotions. Happiness, fear, confusion, and excitement.

  "What's your name?" he asked you.

  You gave him your name.

  "Well," he began. "I think what you did was pretty cool. I've only had a glass eye thrown at me one other time, but they weren't able to find out who it belonged to." He chuckled and you blushed.

  "I need to go," you sadly said. "It's getting late."

  "Ok," he said as he slipped you a piece of paper. "Keep in touch."

  You started to walk away and you opened the paper. Inside was his phone number! You couldn't believe your eye. He actually gave you his phone number!

  A smile formed across your face and wouldn't go away. You went home and told your mother. She wasn't very happy.

  "He is thirty-six years old. He is too old for you!" she scolded.

  "He's only seventeen years older than me!" You yelled back. "You don't know anything about anything, mom!"

  "Don't raise your voice at me!"

  You stomped back into your room. You slammed the door and locked it. Then you collapsed on the bed and began sobbing. You had no idea what to do, but then you remembered - you still had the paper with his number.

  You put his number in your phone. You were able to sleep soundly that night knowing that you could call him whenever you wanted.

  Waking up that morning, you thought about calling him, but you knew that you should probably wait for him to call you. All day you had your phone by your side, waiting for him to call. One time the phone rang, and your heart skipped a beat, but it was just your mom telling you to buy some coconut milk at the store.

  Then, it hit you like a ton of pounds: Gerard gave you his number, but you hadn't given him your's.

  Hesitantly, you picked up the phone and called him. You were afraid that he wouldn't answer the call, but, to your surprise, he picked up.

  You both agreed to meet up with Mikey at the park. When you got there, Mikey wasn't there yet, so it was just Gerard and you. You started talking together.

  "Do you sing at all?" he asked you.

  "No," you admitted. "I don't have a very good voice."

  "Just try," he insisted.

  You finally gave in and sang the chorus of "Fake Your Death." You thought that it sounded awful. Your voice kept cracking and you couldn't hit the right notes.

  You felt so embarrassed because Gerard started crying. His eyeliner dripped down his cheeks.

  You looked at him and said, "I'm sorry."

  "Sorry?" he asked. "That was the most beautiful voice that I've ever heard." He ran his hand through his black hair, shaking his head.

  "I-I can never be as good as you," he cried. Gerard stood up and looked at the sunset.

  You couldn't believe your eye. Sparkly, yellow, translucent angle wings grew out of his back, and a halo formed on top if his head.

  That's when Mikey arrived at the park.

  "Gerard, what is this malarkey?!" Mikey asked.

  "This is my true form," Gerard answered. "I have been living among the humans for thirty-six years now." He looked at you with his angelic eyes. Your name rolled off his moist pink tongue. "You have the voice of an angel. Hearing you sing made me realize how much I miss home."

  Gerard walked over to you and put his hands on your shoulders as he said, "Come with me. We can be together forever, and you can live among the Angels."

  Your first instinct was to say yes, but knew that you would never see your family, friends, or kitten ever again.

  Tears formed in your eye. "Gerard," you said, shaking your head. "I can't. I have a family. And friends. And a new kitten named Muffin."

  "So you're not gonna go with me." he realized. You shook your head.

  He looked down at the ground, then he looked you in the eye.

  "Close your eyes," he said. You slowly closed your eye, and a slight grin formed on your face.

  You felt his lips press against your's. An emotion that you had never felt before engulfed you - euphoria.

  You opened your eye expecting him to still be there, but the angelic Gerard was gone.

  "Where did he go?" You asked Mikey.

  "He...He just flew away," Mikey answered as he looked up at the clouds in the sky.

  "What does this mean for the band?" You asked.

  Mikey looked down at you. "We can't function without our lead singer," he said gloomily. "I guess...we'll have to break up." Then he left the park.

  But you stayed there for a while longer - until the sun had set - looking up at the clouds. You told Gerard in your heart I love you.

  Where ever he was, somehow, you knew that Gerard had heard you.

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