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The wind gushed through Felix’s hair as he ran home from school as fast as a lightning bolt, faster than the speed of light, you know what I mean. His bag straps were falling away from his shoulders as he ran around the corner, he’d slide them back up and continue running. He had a jar in his left hand and a piece of paper in the other, the paper was beginning to get wet from the sweat in his palms. He still ran with a smile on his face, his green headphones on his head not moving at all, not even if he turned a corner sharply.Felix Kjellberg was his name, he was known as the gamer of the century, the one who always achieved his tasks and challe-

  “Hey Felix hon-“ Felix’s mum greeted as he ran through the door not listening to anyone.

 The stairs creaked sharply as he ran, the faster he ran the more silent the stairs would become. He ran up a last pair of stairs to his room, the attic. He would hibernate in there for the whole afternoon not socialising or even eating because gaming was so important to him. Felix chucked his green and black back into the corner of the room then placed the jar and paper next to his bag and switched on the dim light. The window was then opened so fast a huge noise was created; he would sit down on his bed and stare up at the ceiling at all his previous secrets.

 Felix grabbed out his laptop and started playing a game, octodad I think, but it doesn’t matter because he shut off the game after about 30 minutes and sat at his desk. With pens and pencils scattered everywhere, scrunched up pieces off paper also scattered on the table and also on the floor surrounding him. Felix grabbed his phone and called his best mate ken and sat there in his room for hours on end. Ken is called cinnamontoastken at school and Felix is called Pewdiepie or Pewds but tat doesn’t matter right now. They stayed up most f the night playing multiplayer h=games together, any game they could get absolutely anything.They then turned off the laptops and started chatting about a girl at school, who is adorable and Italian her name is Marzia, but she not a big deal right now.

  Felix eventually feel asleep laying on the floor chest down with his phone in his hand, he was completely asleep nothing could awake his except one thing and that one thing annoyed him to the max.

 “Hey Pewds time to get up its lunchtime” she whispered outside his door.

 He still didn’t move and she slowly walked down the stairs until she turned around and opened his door slowly, as soon as it screeched Pewds eyes open and he jumped up and stormed to his door in anger. That is the one thing that annoyed him most people entering his room, his room was called Felix’s room for a reason it was Felix’s room no one else’s. Today was Saturday and it was now lunchtime and Felix was wide awake unlike 2 minutes ago, he then moved to the window and shut the window and pulled down the black blinds. He like his privacy well he only wanted to the privacy with what i'm about to tell you, if it wasn’t for this or he would of allowed people in hi room and have his room bright and welcoming.

 Felix ran too the desk and wiped off the paper and pencils with his fore arm onto the floor, he ran to his bag in the corner and pulled up his jar and paper and carefully placed it on his desk. The jar was full of a water look a like substance, it was labelled Siclode, and he then looked at his paper that read:

Recipe of awesomeness

 1 Jar of Sicode

1 jar of Unisold

1 jar of Pecso

So he grabbed out the other 2 jars needed for the recipe, one labelled Pecso and the other named Unisod and placed it next to the sincode and the paper with a weird little thing scribbled all over.You may be wondering why he has these things or how he has these things, well you can wait to see what he’s going to do with them later. For the past 6 weeks he has been waiting to go into the science room ever week or so and has sneaked into the DANGER room, and stole these substances, felix has been getting really bad grades recently and a bag full of scrunched up paper. His books for his classes never existed because ll he carried was plain lined paper. That he would screw up but today as you heard he ran home with a paper that was the first time he has not screwed up a piece of paper for more than 10 minutes.

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