chapter 1

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I lay here awake hoping that one day soon I get a letter from Hogwarts. My parents have told me many stories and adventures they've had, like when they met in one of their class together because my dad made one of the potions explode by accident. I keep these stories they've told me in my head and just thinking.... Is that how I'll meet my husband, I hope I meet him there. 


I wonder what my mom has to say to me, I hope it's the letter I've been waiting for. I rush out of my room and charge down the stairs almost falling down them.

"Yes mother?"

I say with heavy breaths.

"You've been accepted to Hogwarts!"

She cheers out. My eyes get wide as a huge smile spread across my face. I start jumping up and down in excitement. I quickly grab the letter from my mother's hand so I know it's not a prank. As I look over the lettering shock and excitement wash over me... I really have been accepted into Hogwarts

"This is incredible news mom!"

"I can't wait for your father to know when he gets home from work! You should probably get some rest so we can get up early and go tell you aunt and uncle they will be quite excited to hear about this, then we can go shopping for you school things."

"Thank you Mom good night"

My mom kisses me on the cheek good night. I begin to walk up the stairs in excitement just thinking of all the new adventures I'll have. Once I get to my room I lay down on my bed just thinking of the friends I'll have and stories I'll tell my children once I'm older about Hogwarts. I lay awake trying to sleep but couldn't.  I look over at my clock to see it's almost midnight. I need to sleep I think to myself. I lay on my side and try to get comfortable. Why can't I sleep! I lay on my stomach but still couldn't. I sigh loudly and get up and walk around my room. Why can't I get tired! I plop back onto my bed and finally fall asleep.

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