The start to the madness

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Lizzie Ryuu was a strong woman from the dwarf race. Her past was littered with horrible memories. Thieves and bandits took from her home village in the south. Lizzie wanted to drive all of the chaos out of her wonderful village. The village elder took care of her for most of her life because her mother and father had died from a bandit that pillaged through their home. He made her strong and fearless. Day in and day out they were training to fight and defend.

She went through it even when she thought of giving up. So, she set out on her quest to find the magnificent lightning hammer to take away the fear and sadness from her village. Lizzie went town to town looking for some clue to where the hammer might be. After searching for five whole moons and three towns later she felt like she was getting nowhere. As she was going to the fourth town she decided to go to the town's library. It was a very small library and messy at that. You could smell the dust and see it shimmer from the sun peeking through the window. The books were piled high in towers, so high that one touch would make it collapse. Every book was amazing. The books held legends and very significant events throughout the land. It even had all of the history about the library. It was one of the oldest libraries every to be.

Lizzie went around the library and thought she found a worker that could help her find the book about her hammer.

"Excuse me?" Lizzie said in a hushed tone.

The strange woman seemed to be very immersed into the book that she was reading. She had really long hair in a braid, ears like an elf and she smelt of basswood. 

"Excuse me?!" Lizzie said again a little louder as she took a step forward.

"Oh, I'm sorry did you need me to move?" she said stepping back a step.

"I am wondering if you could help me find a book on the legend of the lightning hammer?"

"You think I work here, that is a little sad that I look like I work here." the woman said sounding a little depressed.

"I am so sorry I will leave you be." Lizzie said apologetic.

"It is ok, you don't have to apologize, I know where the book is." she said reassuring.

After they found the book they went to a nearby tavern. That is where Lizzie was told the woman's name was, Rosary Leviathan. She was a halfling (half elf half human)but, also an adventurer on a journey, she was looking for a throng of knowledge.

"My goal is to gain as much knowledge as I can so that I can open my own library and write books on my own adventures."

Rosary took an interest to Lizzie's story too and wanted to tag along. Lizzie knew that the journey would be rough and she hesitated to say yes. But she when she saw the look on Rosary's face, she knew she  wouldn't take no for an answer.

That night Lizzie went to sit down at the desk that was her room. As she opened the book a letter fell out of the middle. It was addressed to M. H. Sonder. Lizzie picked up the letter off the ground and thought, "I wonder who this is."

"Well... I don't know who this is or who it is from so I will throw it away." she said with no emotion. Lizzie knew she didn't have any business with the letter so she didn't care. Plus it looked like it was centuries old.

The book that she held was very informational. It told about the hammer which, Lizzie already knew all about. The legend says:

He who follows the storm is victorious. The strong will also be weak. You will only prosper with the hardships you carry.

The next day Lizzie and Rosary started waking to the next town. On the way they looked at beautiful scenery. The leaves were a florescent green and there were some daffodils scattered on the side of the path. Further ahead, there were leaves in a circle position, they both thought "its a trap" then let out a sad sigh. They weren't going to fall for it. Lizzie had an idea of how to draw out the culprit but, it was a little mischievous.

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