The House Of Randomness: Episode 17 - "Last Friday Night"

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1. JessieLou (real name Jessica) - A New York-born girl who currently resides in Florida who just turned 21. She is very feminine and girly but is also VERY passionate about music. She also gets on everyone's last nerve as she's very opinionated, crazy, and at times even obnoxious.

2. Bryan - A Saskatchewan native who usually comes across as sweet, friendly, and innocent... until his dark side comes out.

3. Adam - A radio DJ from Massachusetts who listens to a bunch of Hot AC artists nobody has ever heard of.

4. John - An aspiring actor and singer from Miami, Florida whose career could possibly be cut short due to an unfortunate incident.

5. Jason - A guy from Virginia who never knows whether to laugh, cry, or become Randy.

6. Matt - The Australian-born guy is considered to be the "whore" of the House Of Randomness.

7. David J – The artist formerly known as the #Phun. Gus Pharoah.

8. Julian - That annoying Mariah Carey stan from Canada.

9. Cody - One of the, like, 3 people who still listens to modern rock radio stations.

10. Dan - WHO??

11. Brian - An innocent Maryland native whose life is turned upside down following a drunk night out, and could possibly have a major fight with one of the other housemates for burning his Nickelback CD's.

12. Ari - The coolest brotha in Mexico.

13. Teetercamo (real name Justin) - He's only in this story because the radio told me to add him in.

14. Chris Brown - An R&B singer with anger issues who occasionally interrupts the House Of randomness by threatening to "fuck someone up right now."

15. Joel - The one sane person in the house who keeps wondering what the hell he's doing there.


16. JessieLou's Mom - The same woman who apparently got a bus driver fired and told off a nun.

17. JessieLou's Dad - A guy who just wants to relax and watch Diners, Drive-Ins, & Dives.

18. Minnie - JessieLou's puppy who Chris Brown once called a "licking machine."

19. Michael - JessieLou's pop music-hating brother.

20. Ashley - A stuck-up 26-year-old mother from Port Orange who was stupid enough to let Chris Brown babysit her child.

21. Sebastian - A guy from The Bronx whose life aspiration is to see a live cow.

And now, without further ado...

EPISODE 17: "Last Friday Night"

Last week on The House Of Randomness, well, what DIDN'T happen?! Drunken meltdowns, name changes, reconciles, infidelity, it all went down last week! Jason, who changed his name to Courtney, announced a big M4B party that will happen the following week, and, much to JessieLou's dismay, he invited Craig Moore. Much to everyone else's dismay, he also invited his wig supplier, Craig Moo, who is revealed to be Cascada stan and former M4B member Leigy. In Florida, Joel gets bitched out by JessieLou's Mom, and Chris Brown begins his first shift as a babysitter. Oh, and Julian cheated on Matt about an hour after they got back together.

The next day, Julian wakes up and notices Jess in his bed. He doesn’t remember a thing about the night before. He starts freaking out and wakes up Jess.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2014 ⏰

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