The Day The Llama Confessed His Love For The Lion - Phan One-shot

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Dan’s POV

I sat on the couch, staring at the black TV screen. I knew I had a video to edit, but I couldn’t bring myself to think too much about it. I was thinking about something else. Someone else, to be exact, and that someone else was Phil. Phil…With his piercing blue eyes and ebony hair. Just thinking about him was enough to make my heart speed up.

At first, I thought it had just been platonic love, always wanting to be with him, talk to him, and hug him. You know just the usual best friend’s thing. That is, until a couple of weeks ago when we had been watching a movie late at night, and through the whole thing, I had been thinking about Phil’s lips. What would it be like to kiss Phil? Is he a good kisser? Would he kiss me back?

By the end of the movie, my face was red, and I was itching to get to bed. I had never felt like this about anyone before, but I was pretty sure I was in love with Phil. And I mean, who wouldn’t be? He’s beautiful, and smart and funny, and caring and honest. But why would he ever want me? I was worthless. He could have anyone, why would he ever look at me as more than a friend? And besides, if I told him, he’d probably leave me.

My thoughts were broken by the sound of the door opening. I quickly turned on the TV and pretended to be flicking through channels. Just in time too, because at that moment, Phil walked in with several grocery bags. I looked up and smiled lightly, glad that he was finally here. “Hey, how’d you go?” I asked as he dropped the bags onto the floor and waked over to the lounge, sitting down next to me.

“Uh fine, hope you’re okay with Chinese again for dinner.” Phil answered, turning to face me. His eyes were so blue; I could stare at them forever. Instead I turned my head to the TV, trying not to look at him for too long. “Yeah, that’s fine. I wasn’t up to cooking anyways.” I answered. Phil reached over and ruffled my hair. “You never cook dinner, lazy-bum, I do!” He laughed.

I grabbed his hand and moved it away from my head, laughing. “I know, but I will cook one day!” I said back. Phil rolled his eyes. He knew I would never cook dinner, I was never bothered enough. There was silence for a second before Phil looked down at our linked hands. He raised his eyebrows and bit his lip. I pulled mine away quickly, feeling my face go red. “Sorry.” I muttered, looking down into my lap. Phil shuffled closer to me, and I could feel my heart pumping hard against my chest. “What for, you didn’t do anything.” He whispered.

I took in a deep breath and turned to him. “You just seemed a bit taken aback from the hand holding. From your facial expression, I thought you felt uncomfortable or something.” I stuttered, getting embarrassed. Phil just laughed and got up from the lounge and began walking to the kitchen. “Well if that’s what you thought, then you can’t read facial expressions, Danny.” He called, picking up the phone and beginning the search for the Chinese menu.

What did he mean by that? Did he mean he wanted me to hold his hand? God, Dan, get over it, he probably doesn’t mean it in that way! But still…Maybe he did. I smiled to myself and got up, walking to my room. I should probably get dressed before dinner gets here.

Phil’s POV

Dan had walked to his room, leaving me in the kitchen to call and order. I was mentally slapping myself while looking for the menu. Jesus Christ Phil, “Can’t read facial expressions right”?! Why didn’t you just go all out and tell him you liked him, might as well have, since you nearly did, so stupid, stupid Phillip. And what would Dan do, huh? Probably leave. He wouldn’t want to live with a gay twenty-six year old.

I found the menu and punched the numbers into the phone, probably a little bit more aggressively than planned. A young woman answered and I rushed out the order, making sure she could understand it so I didn’t have to repeat myself too much. Once we were done, I hung up and walked into the lounge room in search of something to get my mind off Dan.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2014 ⏰

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The Day The Llama Confessed His Love For The Lion - Phan One-shotWhere stories live. Discover now