Shadows Of Hell

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"She always wanted to be a princess,

To have her own castle and live by a lake.

He always wanted to be a pirate,

To live a life of adventure and excitement.

The two of them connect through an incident by the Great Lake.

Which ends up with her having flowers in her hands."

The world is hanging by it's seams. Not mentally no, but physically. A new era of bandits and corsets have begun over the ancient seas. But there's just one problem. This isn't the 1800s so that's just a rumor. Right?



This story will contain strong language, some mild abuse and suggestive behaviour. If it's strong I'll give out warnings.

Okay I swear to god, I will not be putting up anymore stories until I'm one with my current ones. Or so god help me, you guys can wring me and sell my soul to satan <s> if I have one what <s/>

Among The Diapers is my first priority and I'll try to update this and Call It Chicken Salad atleast once a week. As for Sympathy For The Devil, I just need to get over this chapter and I've got some inspiration now so hopefully it'll be up soon.

copyright (this book solely belongs to) - @ambrosia_n_sweaters

idea given by the amazing - @repairgirl_ (follow her is just ashsghvdfjf)

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