My Multiple Personalitys *sigh*

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Hey... Writing is a really risky thing for me since I have 3 other personalitys that can change at any time. It gets really frustrating, but there's nothing you can do it's just part of life. Well my cruddy life.

*Deep breath*

So my name's Evie Benard. I would say I'm the main personality but sometimes I over think things and who's to say I am? I usually stay Evie the most if that makes sense. I love writing but I can hardly ever do it because I always change into another stupid personality and they ruin my whole story!! So I hope it doesn't happen this time..

Well you're all wondering who my other 3 personalitys are right? So one is Chloe she gets really annoying, but then again they all do. But she always gets upset really easily and crys over nothing so me as Evie, I get soo embarrassed.

My next one is musty, yeah what a horrible name right. She can't be bothered doing anything at all! She's also always hungry and burbs all the time so she's even more embarrassing.

And the last one... *Sigh* He's name is Joesepi, yeah he. Joesepi thinks he's better than everyone else, he has a tone in his voice that annoys me so much and nothing is good enough for him.

As you can see they all ruin my life.

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