Ren and the Fae

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Darkness was snaking its way through the trees, descending from the setting sun. Ren knew she should have listened to her mother, and stuck to the path. But she was a free spirit, bohemian in nature, and what had become innocently picking blue bells for her Grandmother had soon turned into her getting rather hideously lost. Frustrated, she flung herself against a tree, bowing her head and wailing in self-pity. Something was passing towards her in the dying light, but she did not care. 'Let them kill me' she sulked to herself 'then I would never have to walk to Grandmas ever again'.
A wet substance ran down her hands, a substance that was far thicker than her tears. Horrified, Ren turned over her pale skeletal fingers. Drool ran down them, flumping down onto her ruby red dress. Frowning, Ren lifted her head. Her gaze was met by oversized furry paws, that crept up into muscular, hairy legs, expanding into a well-built torso and finally, a long muzzle, complete with neon eyes and teeth as sharp as her fathers scolding's.
"You sir, owe me one new dress" Ren was nose to nose with the wolf. Her outspokenness had taken him by surprise, he considered her request for one moment, cocking his ears round and twitching his damp, round nose.
"No. No new dress, what is such a young girl doing in these woods all alone?"
"I don't need your sympathy. And if you must know, I'm off to Grandmas house. And she will be so angry with you when she sees my dress. Just you wait mister!"
"Grandma? Where does Grandma live? Surely not all the way out in these parts?"
"She does, you don't know her, she's tough. Tougher then that tree, and that one, and that one all combined. She's a witch you know"
"Oh Grandma the witch that's a classic, I doubt she'd live here though, amongst the Fae. I didn't think witches and fairies thought very highly of each other. What's in the basket?"
"Blue bells"
"you're lying to me"
Ren snorted, as if her whole tale about grandma hadn't already been a lie.
"What's in the basket?"
"BLUE. BELLS." Ren spat, throwing them at the wolfs face, before charging away through the trees.

Maybe she had been brave because she knew the wolf wouldn't chase her, but her anxiety kept her going, leaping over logs and wading through bogs, until her shoes were soaked, and her dress torn. The fast approaching evening had eaten away minutes of her time. She didn't know if it had been hours or days she was running around for, but eventually, the forest broke, and in its wake lay one huge hedge. It was perfect, the most divine shade of green, and cut evenly the whole way down and up. The hedge was too high to see over, and too long to go around, obviously, the only reasonable option was to destroy whoever made the hedges work and cut straight through. Despite how well manicured the hedge was on one side, in the middle, it was a mess of thorns. The spikes grabbed Rens hair, and what remained of her clothes. Eating them up whole and nearly swallowing the basket too before her left hand broke free. She hauled herself out, forcing her fingers into the Earth and dragging her body out in one tug.
The dusk was fairly chilly now she was down to her undergarments. It appeared that she was in some sort of maze, as if being lost in the forest wasn't bad enough. Sighing dramatically, Ren headed left.

The castle had started to appear as night fell, so when she was standing at the drawbridge, Ren had no idea how she had managed to get there. Two knights stood, guarding the door way.
"I'm looking for my Grandmothers house, and I might be lost. Where am i?"
They remained mute, huddled in heaps of armour.
"I DEMMAND TO KNOW WHERE I AM" even stamping her feet did not work.
"Yes I am home actually no need to shout. Who is it you are looking for?"
Struggling to densifier where the noise came from, Rens gaze dropped to the floor, where it was met by a tiny woman wearing a crown and wings.
"I was looking for... You actually, Grandma sent me. Do you mind if I come in? I could do with some food, tea, and maybe some clothes"
Despite the puzzled look on her face, the fairy stepped aside, letting Ren enter.

The interior was impressive, flowers grew upon the walls, curling their way around banisters and across the ceilings. The whole house smelt like cinnamon buns, and the air tasted like lemonade. No room was well lit, but the colour on the walls echoed through the darkness, screaming reds, blues and oranges as they walked from room to room.
Ren was given a robe to wear, then she was seated at the far end of the longest dinner table she had ever seen. Hardly visible, the fairy Queen sat at the other.
"So, can I have tea?" Ren shouted, her voice bouncing off the walls.
"All in good time my child" The fairy gave a wicked smile, making Ren shrink back into her chair. A short, rounded bald man who oddly resembled an egg presented her with a giant saucer full of fruity smelling tea. Upon the saucer, three oversized custard creams slumbered. With a great sense of unease, Ren took hold of the cup. It was a dainty china, riddled with a regal design of sharp roses and bitter colours. Hesitating, Ren started to notice that in the chairs, thousands of tiny people were seated. For the sake of her robes, she prayed she had not sat on anyone.
"Drink my child"
Overwhelmed by the pressure, Ren took a sip and within an instant was knocked to the floor.

When she awoke, daylight surrounded her tiny body. Tiny body? She had become one of them. The wings of a dragonfly had sprouted from her back, and to her horror there was no crown on her head. Storming out the room, Ren slammed doors, tipped over vases and scuffed her shoes loudly, leaving tiny black marks upon the white marble. How dare they do this to her! 'Just wait until I tell grandma' she huffed.
Once outside, she was surprised to yet again come face to face with the wolf, only this time he loomed menacingly above her. The wolf was conversing with a man trimming the hedge, who was far bigger than a human, even in her brand new petite body. He wore a flannel shirt, complete with high jeans and slacks.
"WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO ME? IS THIS BECAUSE OF YOU, YOU FOUL BEAST?" she roared, the wolf and the man merely chuckled. Above their heads a few clouds rolled lazily in the sky. Days could have passed before the Gardner replied. "My lady, once you taste the fae, you become one. You can never leave their kingdom, nothing will ever compare"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2017 ⏰

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