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I had been peacefully sleeping when my boyfriend decided jumping into a cabinet was a good idea.

Pots and pans clattered onto the floor. At first, I tried to ignore it. Vampires still need sleep. But after the fiftieth crash, I slammed my hand into the bed and stormed down the hallway.

I was about to give Simon a whole lecture about beauty sleep and how this was so frustrating and how he should just stay and cuddle with me until morning...

My fantasy was broken by another shatter. I stood, slack jawed in the kitchen, where every utensil imaginable littered the tiled flooring.

"What the..." My eyes scanned the floor, trying to find spots to put my feet.

From the heavens above, a ceramic jar with a small band of red came crashing down to the floor, shattering into tiny shards.

I looked up, only to see all-to-famliar mismatched socks.

"Simon! Get down from there!" Simon was currently in the top most cabinet above the fridge. I wasn't sure what he was trying to get, but it must have been pretty valuable.

I manervered myself around the floor so I was by the refridgerator. I looked up, seeing only the back of his shirt.

"No way!" My eyes seemed to roll themselves automatically.

"I'm going to call Penelope." The threat may seem empty, but she could get anyone, espcially Simon, to stop doing whatever unimaginebly idiotic thing they were currently doing.

"Go ahead, I'll fight her." A soup ladle came sailing over my head, banging onto the oven.

"Crowley, Simon," I grumbled, mostly to myself. Simon was oblivious, still searching for this mystery object. I looked around, trying to get an idea. I couldn't grab his feet and pull him down; that would leave him with disastrous injuries. I also couldn't Penny, not yet. What else would Simon love? There was a jar of salt, a jar of sugar, a jar of scones-

An idea formed perfectly in my mind. Leaning over, I grabbed the secret scones stash I hid from Simon. (I had to have some scones for myself!)

A sweet smile came upon my face.

"Simon?" Some other poor utensil was damaged, clanging above me.

"Go away!" he muffle-yelled.

"I have scones." All of a sudden, the noise stopped. Simon peeked his head out from the cabinet, curls bouncing in every angle.

"Sconces?" he asked, looking at me. His gaze went downward and he saw the glorious cherry sconces I was holding in the jar.

"If you want them," I sung, "you have to come down from the fridge."

Faster than I would've thought possible, Simon jumped off the fridge and managed not to break his feet on the two jars beside him. Hungrily grabbing one scone, he shoved it in his mouth, crumbs decorating the side.

"Ya know," he said, wiping some of the crumbs off his face. "I totally would've fought her."

A smile inevitably broke onto my face. Encircling my arms around his waist, I leaned into his ears and whispered "I know you would."


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