Flower 4

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Oh My God, I'm sooo excited about this book! I've been working on the plot for maybe...three years now? Ha, I'm lazy :3 Anyway! I promise I'll actually make this book good ^_^ If you've just stumbled across this book and you've never heard of me well then I'd appreciate it if you check out some of my other books! But if you're one of my amazingly sexy fans well then you just became sexier c;

Song: RingDingDong by SHINee [The amazingly sexy Korean band that I'm in love with]

Dear readers,

Before you continue reading on to the sexy story you are about to read, please read this short, important, tragic side note.  As you may know if you have been to my profile, I run an army of evil penguins and magical uniforns.  Go ahead and laugh, hell you can even join.  But sadly, joining will have no affect on our goal to take over the world.  My penguins and unicorns are dying from starvation.  They are not getting enough food to build up their strength for world domination.  What do they eat you may ask?  Well their very picky, my penguins only like the sweet taste of Votes and my unicorns only eat the salty taste of a Comment.  So please, dear readers send them some food, so my beautiful children don't starve </3  It breaks my heart knowing we haven't taken over the world yet.  Thank you for you're time and consideration ;*

Chapter One:

I gaze out of the window. The golden sun reflects off of the ocean, causing ripples of sparkles to appear. Children scream as they play in the cold water. They run around splashes water, laughing as if they don't have a care in the world. The adults, however sit in chairs, or lay down on towels and soak in the suns warmth. I sigh longingly as the waves crash against the shore line.

"You'll have plenty of time to swim after you're settled into your new school." My mom says. Her voice is comforting to hear in that tone. It's been a while since she's been so sincere.

Tabor is the best boarding school in the country, and for some reason they decided to accept me. I know my mom knows why they accepted me, but whenever I ask she says I'll find out later. I had looked up the school on their website a few months ago. I have to admit, it is a really good school.t has two sleeping sections; a Girls Dorm and a Boys Dorm, a sushi bar, a library, a snack bar, a gym, etc. However my personal favorite is the swimming pool they have.

I've been in the water ever since I can remember. My dad used to make jokes saying how I might be a mermaid and how I was practically born and raised in the water. At times I believed him. I want to become a professional swimmer and compete in competitions, that's my dream.

"Did you hear me?" My mom asks. Her usual harsh tone snaps me out of my daydream and I flinch.

"Umm..." I say. My mom sighs.

"Honestly, you have the attention span of a three year old. I said, when we get home you're going to try on your school uniform to make sure it fits. There's also a surprise waiting for you."

"Surprise?" I ask. "Is it good?"

"It's...a surprise." My mom says, her voice uneasy.

"Mom..." I ask suspiciously.

"You'll see when we get there." My mom says.

"Okay." I sigh. I miss my old school already. My old teachers, all my friends, I miss them all. Moving from Massachusetts to California may seem exciting, but its really just exhausting. Too much mental stress. Are the kids at my new school going to like me? Am I going to fit in? Will I be an outcast? Every worse case scenario runs through your mind as you picture you're first day. To be honest, I sort of just want this to be over with, have two or three months go by so I'm no longer 'The New Kid'. Besides, my old school didn't require a uniform...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2012 ⏰

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