The akatsuki's princess

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Eight years old; two years after the massacre

"Aya, follow me with you eyes and your thoughts," Itachi instructs swiftly punching me in the stomach. His arm stays there trying to get the point across that if I don't pay attention in a fight I will get hurt. I wrap my hands around his wrist and sort of slump on it.

"It's not my fault that Hidan kept me up all night. I really don't know what pein was thinking when he put us in the same room. I know there were no other spots but couldn't i have bunked with you and fishy?" Though his face is blank I know exactly where his is going when he Marches from the training Field and into the hide out. I walk away from the field and into the surrounding forest.

After finding a large oak tree I climb it with my legs and hands the old fashioned way and lay with my back against the trunk one leg propped up and the other hanging into the air. At this moment in time I wasn't wearing my cloak so my black dress was in view; feet bare. It was plain with a mini skirt bottom and long sleeves. The top was simple also with a high square cut.

I was a olive skinned girl with raven hair and green eyes. This was weird for my clan, the uchihas, but they were there. Itachi said he would have thought that mother cheated except for three reasons. One I was sasukes twin two I had the sharringan, and three he was there when I was born.

In fact I was the first female in over a decade. "Hey lady," someone shout at me from the ground. Rolling my eyes I flop over on my stomach. There stood a boy my age with dark blue hair. He was wearing a sleeveless navy blue shirt, baggy cow print pants tied at the bottom with white bandages. His eye, I noticed, were brown like sasoris.

"What do you want kid?"

"I'm here to talk to pein." in an instant I was within a foot of him with a plain katana held to his-puppet. I furrowed my eye brows. He was so quick, like sasori. They look alike also. At my moment of weakness he pulled back his hand making the puppet, a object that looked like a wolf on two legs, reveal a dagger coated in something purple. My eyes widened and I tried to move back.

I couldn't move! I was going to get hit. Sudden as a wave my legs moved and I was pulled back from the stranger and thrown into Itachi. A smirk danced on the boys face as I was set onto the ground. "That's enough Narigo," sasori snapped releasing me. Though I tried to hide it fear was in my eyes.

"Why can't princess take care of herself, or," he paused tilting his head still wearing that smirk, "is she too scared?" I had been with the Akatsuki since our clan was murdered and knew that if any of the bit heads like Hidan or deidara were here right now this kid would be dead. He's lucky Itachi himself hasn't attacked.

I close my eyes take a deep breath and open them. "No I'm not scared," I hiss with red eyes ,"but you should be."

"Calm yourself Aya he is no threat to us. In fact he will be joining us." I look to see pein and nod walking over to this Narigo character. He tenses preparing for a battle. I stick out my hand blank face. He's a arse and I refuse to act friendly.

"I'm the Akasuki's princess Aya uchiha. Who are you and what skills do you have?"

"give me a call some time and I'll tell you, princess." and no one blamed me for slugging him dead Middle and then kicking him in the balls why he was down.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2014 ⏰

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