Chapter 1

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Coming of Age

Kaelyn stepped off the small transport onto the barge platform, half expecting it to sink and sway from her weight. She smiled at her foolishness. This was a royal ball; of course, the hovering ballroom would feel as stable as if it were planted securely on solid ground instead of floating a hundred feet above her father's sculptured gardens.

The cascades of colorful blossoms lined the party barge. A soft breeze washed across the deck. The flowers appeared to sway to the slow, rhythmic flow of the orchestra. The music drifted down to serenade the pastel luminescences scattered throughout the royal gardens below. The hem of Kaelyn's pale green gown pulsed with a garland of tiny flower-shaped lights.

She counted on the glow of the flowers to draw her father's eyes away from the way her breasts rose and fell with each breath inside the revealing neckline. Her ebony locks were pulled up high on her head, long curling tendrils flowing down her back. A few of the luminescences shone brightly in her dark curls. It added a touch of color to her pale olive skin and brought out the dark green hue of her eyes.

The floor held a soft golden glow. Large pastel-colored orbs floated around the edge of the room. Sparkling chandeliers hovered above the dancefloor, sending ripples of sparkling light to caress the guests. The music stopped, and all eyes turned toward the guest of honor.

Kaelyn smiled as a voice echoed across the room. "Ladies and gentlemen, may I present our guest of honor on her sixteenth birthday, the exquisite Princess Kaelyn."

The room erupted in applause and cheers as Kaelyn's father, King Horace, strode across the floor. He smiled and offered his arm. Kaelyn's father held the stature of a king. He towered over the other men. His broad shoulders and muscular body were unusually pronounced for a man in his sixties. His skin was a deeper shade of brown than her creamy complexion. His hair was once as black as her own. Now it was speckled with silver at his temples. Turning back to the crowd, his deep voice rang across the room. "The first dance is mine."

He reached up and tapped the tiny dot of a microphone clipped to his shirt and whispered to Kaelyn, "Perhaps a floating dance floor wasn't such a good idea for the most beautiful princess in the galaxy." He chuckled, nodding to her left as they walked onto the dance floor.

A group of young men in dress suits and military uniforms had gathered. Her father continued, "One of two things will happen: Either the platform will soon start to tilt as your suitors gather in the same spot, or a riot will start once you choose your favorite dance partner and someone will inevitably plummet to their death as a result of the melee."

Kaelyn allowed him to twirl her around the floor as the music started. She giggled and said, "Father, you are terrible."

He increased his pace, and they moved quickly around the floor. Kaelyn's dress swirled around them in a soft blur of pastel light. Kaelyn was in heaven. She couldn't remember the last time her father teased and laughed with her. When the music drew to an end, they stopped across the floor from the gathering of suitors. Her father bowed to her and turned to offer her hand to a tall, handsome youth with light brown hair and deep green eyes dressed in the dark gray uniform of the Skyguard. "Sir Bryan Dale, may I to introduce my daughter, Princess Kaelyn."

Sir Bryan bowed as he accepted her hand, and swept her quickly back out onto the floor as a slow, mournful song began to play. He was so tall Kaelyn's neck began to ache as she strained to gaze up at him. He smiled at her and spoke with confidence, "Your father approves of my military background. He trusts that I am the perfect escort to keep his daughter safe from untoward advances."

Kaelyn drew back at the heavy stench of alcohol on his breath. He was handsome, but there was no joy or kindness in his eyes. Before she could reply, he added, "I'm sure a young woman as beautiful as yourself has played host to many a suitor's amorous touches."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2017 ⏰

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