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I never understood the fun in partying. Maybe I did when I was a teenager, but now that I'm an adult and doing it almost every weekend, it kind of lost meaning to me. What was the point in drinking? You'd end up with a hangover in the morning anyway. What was the point in blasting music all the way? your head will start to hurt.

The most parties thrown are during the holidays; new years eve, to be exact. Starting the year 2016 at a party filled with drunks isn't exactly my cup of tea, but look where I ended up. Not like I had a choice, that's the stuff you have to do when you're some rock star.

I was walking around the area, trying to look for my girlfriend, Juliet. I basically had to babysit her because there's alcohol. She's trying to stop drinking, but she isn't making much progress. Plus, if she drinks too much, trouble starts and I wasn't looking for any of that. Not tonight. It wasn't long after I just settled with the fact that I wasn't going to find her, and I gave up.

The music was getting louder, probably loud enough to burst your ear buds. I covered my ears and looked around. No one was really bothered by the volume, they continued to dance. How?

Instead of wondering why people enjoyed this, I made my way to the balcony, hoping there wasn't anything crazy going on out there. I opened the door and stepped out and to my luck, it was empty. Thank God.

I walked over and leaned against the balcony. Despite the music still being heard from the party, it was peaceful. I glanced up at the constellations to the streets of Los Angeles. I've seen the view many times before and it has never failed to impress me.

"Enjoying the view?" A voice from behind said. I gasped and turned around to see a young man, no older than 19, sitting on a beach chair and water bottle in hand. He was pretty small, too. A little grin appeared on his lips.

"Oh. Sorry. I didn't know you were in here," I apologized. He got up and walked over the railings and leaned on it. "It's fine. Just a bit surprised why're you here when you could be inside. It's a party anyway."

I shrugged and turned my head back to the view. "Parties aren't my thing." I simply said. He let out a little giggle and glanced up at me, "Could've fooled me, Mr. Rock Star." I sighed a little after he said that. I felt like such a bore.

"Anyway, I'm Scott." The boy introduced himself, still glancing up at me. "I'm Andy." I said. "I know," he nodded. "From Black Veil Brides, right?" Without me giving a response, he added, "I've listened to you guys and you're honestly amazing. I bet you get that a lot."

I couldn't help but to smile. He was quite adorable. "Not a lot." I shrugged, blushing. Scott looked a lot familiar but I can't put my finger to where I could've seen him.

"Have I seen you before?" I asked, biting my lip. "I feel like I have."

Scott looked back at the palm trees outside. "Well, I am a photographer and John hired me in June to take photos of some of the artists, like Blink-182, for the website. I did see you a couple times while working. I wasn't aware you've seen me." He explained.

"Oh, of course. Sorry for not recognizing you." I apologized. I knew I saw him somewhere.

Before either of us could say anything else to each other, the door opened. We both turn our heads to see Juliet standing there, drink in hand.

"There you are!" She exclaimed and grabbed my arm. Scott furrowed his eyebrows, smirking. "I've been looking for you." She said and started to pull me back inside. Scott waved at me and I waved back before she slammed the door behind us.


It was 11:58, two more minutes until 2016 is over. Maybe I should just reflect on everything that happened over the past year.

Let's see . . . My band's album is selling great, I went touring and had fun, I lost a good friend, made new ones, my ex boyfriend and best friend got married and I finally accepted that he's 100% over me. I'd say it was a good year. Next year should be better, I'm working on a solo project and a movie, it's amazing honestly.

The clock struck 11:59 and everyone huddled up to prepare for the count down. I looked around, trying to find Scott. He was pretty small so that would be a challenge.

I then found him sitting on the sofa, drinking the same water he had earlier. He noticed me too and grinned, I returned it. Scott got up and started to walk over, but before he could make it, I felt someone hold my hand. I turned my head and it was Juliet, of course. I looked back at Scott and he shook his head, still grinning, and remained where he was.

"Another year together, baby," she said before giving my hand a squeeze. I nodded and everyone began to do the countdown for 2016.

10 . . . 9 . . . 8 . . . 7

I don't expect anything wrong to happen this year. This will be my year. I could feel it.

6 . . . 5 . . . 4 . . . 3 . . . 2 . . .

Here we go

Juliet pulled me to her height and kissed me. The same way I started the new year for the past five, now six, years.

I broke the kiss and Juliet scampered away, probably to get a drink. I looked over at Scott and he was back on the sofa and waved at me. I smiled and walked over, sitting down next time.

"Happy New Year, you," Scott said, making me beam "Right back you."

"How long are you going to stay here?" I asked. Scott shrugged, "I think I'm gonna leave now. I have work tomorrow."

I kind of got a bit disappointed after he said that. He was nice and I felt comfortable talking to him. "Well, I hope to see you soon, then." I smiled and he got up. "Me too. Bye."

I said a goodbye back and signed contently. 2016 was going to be great, I already know it. I have no doubt on it.
Nothing was going to ruin it.


I planned on writing this book last year but due to a year of writer's block, I deleted all my books and I'm restarting. I'm very very excited for this one because I spent months planning it and I know a lot of you like it, hopefully.

Stay tuned, leave a vote/comment/follow, thanks!

-devilposh ♡

vacant veins ♡ andy biersackWhere stories live. Discover now