~Little visits~

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Adrien placed a kiss on my nose and sighed.
"I best be going princess. It's getting kinda late..." he began not wanting to leave. Marinette nodded in agreement,
"As much as I want you to stay here kitty, you have to go, and you know that." He smirked and Plagg transformed him. He sat on the top of the wall on her balcony and kissed her. Their soft lips melted together as they deepened the kiss. Alya watched from a far in amazement. She was out of earshot, but not out of camera shot. She pulled her camera out and watched as the masked hero jumped away from Marinette's balcony.
"Bye M'Lady." He had said before leaving, "Love you!" Marinette smirked and told him that she loved him too and she headed off to bed.

The next morning Marinette woke up earlier that she expected. She quickly got dressed and did her hair, so she could help out downstairs in the bakery.
"Morning Maman!" She called down to her mother as she step foot into the small family owned bakery. She began to tie an apron around her waist.
"Morning Mari." Her father greeted her as he tied his own apron around his waist.
"Morning papa!" Marinette replied cheerfully. She helped her papa make 29 macaroons before she set off for school. Her father greatly appreciated her help and sent her to school with a kiss on the cheek.
The second Marinette was on school grounds Alya went off on her.
"GIRL!" She began her eyes flaming, " YOU CANT CHEAT ON ADRIEN WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!" Marinette was still confused so she cocked one head to the side,
"I don't follow you,.." she stated waiting for Alya to explain. Alya held up the pictures she got the night before.
"A-Alya it's not...not what looks it like!" Great now she was stuttering. She thought to herself as she tried to get Alya to believe her.
   "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TO HIM?" She asked growing more angry by the second.
    "What-what do you mean?" Adrien asked approaching Alya.
   "Marinette CHEATED ON YOU!" She started out softly but her voice raged in with anger. Adrien looked taken back. Marinette gave him a annoyed look and Alya showed him the evidence. Adrien chuckled and Marinette face palmed.
    "Why are you laughing! This is a serious matter!!" Alya raged on.
Probably because she is cheating on me with...well me! He thought to himself. Adrien just shrugged. He was at a loss for words. He knew it was probably time to let Alya in on the secret. He glanced at Marinette as if to ask if it was okay. She nodded and pointed to her house. She wanted to do this in private.
   "Marinette's house during lunch. Bring yourself and Nino, leave all phones behind." Adrien said before grabbing Marinette's hand and walking off. Alya looked confused but took the offer into consideration.
   "Why can't I bring my phone?" She whispered to herself as she walked down the hallway to get to class. "And why was Adrien so cool with it?" She reached the classroom and took her seat next to Mari. She couldn't wait till lunch.
   The lunch bell rang, signifying class was dismissed. Alya explained everything to Nino and dragged him to Marinette's house.
"Hi!" She said to Marinette's parents before sprinting up the steps with Nino at her heels. Instead of hearing Marinette and Adrien she heard Ladybug and Chat Noir. They seemed to be bickering.
"M'Lady! Listen to me! I told you you didn't have to do this, only me! I can hear them, they are here. It's too late now!" He sounded defeated.
"It's not to late Chat!" Ladybug reassured him. "Plus, it's time I told someone other than you..." she trailed off
"Whatever you say bugaboo..." he said his voice low. The door opened and Nino and Alya came running through.
"WHERE IS MARINETTE! SHE HAS SOME EXPLAINING TO DO!" Alya called out loudly. Chat and Ladybug exchanged glances.
"You don't have to do this Mari.." he whispered in her ear.
"I want to!" She demanded. "Alya, Nino I'm sorry for this whole mess and what I'm about to do." Alya looked at her confused, as did Nino.
"Tikki, spo-" she began but was soon cut off.
"STOP!" Chat yelled. "Just get Marinette from outside, I can explain on my own." He gave her a glance as if to say he wasn't backing down. Ladybug sighed and pretended to get Marinette.
"Ladybug had to go..." she said defeatedly her friends never looked more confused.
"Princess!" Chat yelled hugging her. Alya's blood boiled, how could she do this to Adrien, where even was Adrien?!?
"Explain. Now." Alya said as Nino watched in astonishment. How could sweet little Marinette cheat on someone? Chat Noir smiled,
"Marinette can't cheat on me, with me." He stated. Alya's jaw dropped. Nino didn't seem to catch on, was he missing something.
"A-A-Adrien!?!?" Alya asked widely. Her eyes seemed to be popping out of her head. Chat smirked.
"Guess the cats out of the bag." He laughed devilishly. Nino began to put the situation together.
"ADRIEN IS CHAT NOIR!?!" He yelled at Chat. He smirked and nodded.
"Yep!" Chat stated popping the p. Marinette giggled.
"Stupid cat." She said as she shook her head.
"Hey!" He yelled. Marinette giggled again and Alya went nuts.
"You mean to tell me that Adrien is Chat Noir?!? ADRIEN IS CHAT NOIR? ARE YOU SURE!?!" She asked in disbelief. Chat nodded,
"You want proof?"
"Y-yes..." Alya stammered. She didn't want to believe it.
"Fine. Plagg claws in!" He yelled and green particles summoned themselves around his body. Adrien Agreste took Chat Noir's place. Nino and Alya screamed and began asking questions about what it was like to be a superhero. Adrien answered with one sentence;
"Try side-kick. Not superhero." He said flatly. This took Alya off guard. Marinette's blood boiled.
"ADRIEN TAKE THAT BACK RIGHT NOW!" Marinette yelled at him.
"I'm only speaking the truth..." he said softly.
"YOU STUPID, STUPID CAT! WHAT WOULD LADYBUG DO WITHOUT YOU?" She yelled, how could he think so poorly of himself? Of course Adrien knew Ladybug was next to him, but he answered in all honesty.
"What she does now. So basically everything. " he sighed and looked out Marinette's window. Lunch break was over, but the four decided they weren't going to attend school for the rest of the day.
"Adrien Agreste! Stop that right now!" Alya and Nino sprang to his defense.
"You know what Adrien? I'll tell you what ladybug would do without you. She'd cry for hours knowing you were gone, she'd miss you like crazy, she'd sob when a new Chat came to be her partner." Mari began with tears in her eyes. "She's probably take her own miraculous off and give it to someone else, she'd visit your grave everyday, she wouldn't be herself." She finished crying. Adrien hugged her for comfort. Alya put the pieces together. Marinette knew more about ladybug then she did, it didn't sound right.
"Ladybug?" Alya asked. Marinette made the mistake of firing her head. Adrien laughed,
"Who's the stupid cat now, M'Lady?" Marinette punched him in the arm.
"But seriously kitty! Don't think I don't need you, because I do." She said pulling him into a hug. He smiled at her and noticed that Alya and Nino were no longer functioning.
"I think we broke them." Adrien said laughing.
"I think that we did!" Marinette giggled kissing his lips softly. She thought about everything that just happened, and boy was she glad she had such understanding friends.

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