51 Things Alice Cullen is Not Allowed to Do

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(hey guys! thanks so much for reading! as always, i hope you enjoy!)

51 Things Alice Cullen is Not Allowed to Do

Alice Cullen is not allowed to...

1.Attempt to sell Emmett on ebay

2.Turn Forks High School into a musical

3.Sign Bella up for ballet...

4.And laugh at her as she trips

5.See how many pedestrians she can hit with her Porsche in five minutes

6.Tape a sign to Rosalie's back that says 'Proof that blonde's don't have more fun'

7.Replace Emmett with a grizzly bear, hoping no one will notice...

8.And pretend to cry when the real Emmett eats the bear

9.Lure Emmett to South America with chocolate

10.Complain that her list is more unfair than Jasper's

11.Play dress up with Jasper

12.Throw Edward's piano out the window and blame it on Bella

13.Reenact Alice in Wonderland and convince Emmett to be the Queen of Hearts...

14.And Edward to be the White Queen

15.Replace Edward's CDs with High School Musical soundtracks

16.Give Jacob a shock collar for his birthday

17.Insist that shopping counts as PE credits

18.Start a fortune telling business

19.Paint Edward's toenails pink

20.Get Bella drunk and make her do things Edward wouldn't approve of

21.Dress up all the guys as elves for Christmas

22.Adopt a kitten and cry when Emmett eats it

23.Make Bella wear a pink dress for her wedding...

24.And have Edward wear a matching pink suit

25.Tell young children she's the tooth fairy

26.Paint Emmett's jeep bright pink

27.Dump glitter all over Jasper's Confederate Army uniform

28.Make an army of purple penguins and take over the world

29.Keep Paul as a pet

30.Paint Bella glow in the dark

31.Drag Jasper with her when she shops at Victoria's Secret

32.Paint the stalls in the Forks High School bathroom pink

33Call Edward a soccer mom while making fun of his car

34.Throw Bella a bachelorette party and hire Mike to be a stripper

35Ask random people if they believe in fairies

36.Join What Not to Wear

37.Move to Sesame Street and change Elmo's World to Alice's world...

38.And change the theme song to: La la la la, la la la la, Alice's world

La la la la, la la la la, Alice's world

Alice loves her credit card

Her Porsche too

That's Alice's world

39.Get high off of sharpies

40.Tape a giant poster of Zac Efron to her wall

41.Dress and act like Bella while following her around

42.Sign Edward up to be the next Sex Ed teacher at the high school

43.Tell Emmett that Jasper is Santa in disguise

44.Take Jacob for walks, complaining he's too fat

45.Every time someone asks her to do something, ask them if they would like fries with that

46.Go to McDonalds and ask for diet water

47.Spread rumors that the only reason Edward never had a girlfriend before Bella is because he's gay

48.Tell everyone that talking to Mike on Friday is bad luck

49.Become a spokesperson for adult diapers...

50.And tell Carlisle she can get some for him


"Finally. Alice really did need one of these," Bella said, taping the large list to the wall.

"Yeah, unlike some of us," Jasper complained, still mad about them making him a list.

They heard a high-pitched squeal, followed by Emmett running down the stairs in a ballerina costume.

"Hey guys! Look, I'm a fairy princess!" he cheered.

Bella held her hand out, and taking the pen from Jasper, wrote:

51.Alice Cullen is not allowed to dress up Emmett as a ballerina, even if he asks her to

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