During that Evening... (Inazuma Eleven Go Fanfic)

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Fei, Yuuichi, and Tenma entered Tenma’s room that evening, and to their surprise, no matter how simple it looked, it all seems so cute.

“Wow Tenma, I’m surprised how Aki-san keeps your room the way it is!” Fei exclaimed.

Tenma walked over to his bed and stood beside it. He scratched the back of his head with his face flushing with embarrassment over the either comment or insult.

During that time, Aki came in carrying a folded futon. Just one.

“Actually, Tenma is the one who cleans his own room,” Aki said and handed the futon to Tenma.

‘Just one?’ the two visitors thought.

“Once you guys are finished getting comfortable around here, come down for dinner, okay?” Aki told them.

“Okay!” they replied and Aki left.

When the visitors turned their head back to Tenma, they watched him kneel down to pull something underneath his own bed. Another bed!!

“Wait… You have a bed under your own bed?” Fei asked.

Tenma nodded proudly. “Yup!”

“That explains why Aki-san gave you only one futon,” Yuuichi said.

“Yeah, and I’m going to be the one to sleep on the futon!” Tenma exclaimed.

“No, me. I never slept on a futon before,” Fei said.

“But, it’s also my first time to sleep on one!” Tenma whined.

“Eh? No way!!” Fei yelled.

“Well, Tenma, since we live in the era where these things still exist, you can sleep on one another time,” Yuuichi inferred.

“I guess,” Tenma replied, “But when things get uncomfortable, we can switch places!”

“Okay,” Fei said back.

Everything became silent until Fei’s stomach growled angrily with so much hunger, who knows how much Fei might eat.

“I’m so hungry; I guess I could eat a horse!” Fei said. (But I think it’s a reply to what I said a while ago…)

“Really?!” Tenma chirped.

“It’s just an expression, Tenma, you know that… right?” Fei said with a sweat-drop.

“Yeah, but I thought humans finally evolved in the future where they could eat loads of stuff!” he said.

“Nope, it’s the opposite! They came to the idea where they make pills for you to be able to be full in an instant,” Fei stated.

“What?!” Yuuichi shrieked, “Pills are horrible!! Why would they do that?”

“I can’t tell you guys on an empty stomach,” Fei whined.

“Whoops, sorry, we forgot about that,” Tenma said, “Let’s go down and eat then!”

They agreed and went down to the dining room. And once they went in, it was no surprise that Aki had prepared a whole lot for the visitors. But it was a surprise for the two.

“Wow, Aki-san! This looks all delish!” Yuuichi exclaimed.

“Of course!” Tenma chirped. ‘At least it’s not Natsumi-san’s cooking. They look so good but the taste…’

Oh, Tenma, why not suggest her to go get cooking lessons then?

They were all already seated around the table with their stomachs pleading for food.

During that Evening... (Inazuma Eleven Go Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now