The letter

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It's two am and a faint tapping was coming from the window. Lacuna opened her eyes dreamily, her long brown hair covering her eyes, and turned to her side to see where the noise was coming from.
She held her breath when she saw the outline of a small owl, holding a letter in it's beak. She jumped up and lifted the window and it flew inside circling the room. It softly landed on Lacuna's shoulder, dropping the letter on her lap and nibbled playfully at her ear. The envelope was addressed:

To Lacuna Gold
Her bedroom
Mina Rd 01

It's emerald ink on the parchment was so beautiful, Lacuna awed at the glimmering words and opened the envelope. She stopped and looked out of the window, her freckles highlighting her face. Her brow furrowed and was thought for a minute.
"So far, one weird dream," she sighed as she looked back down at the letter "oh well." She shrugged and opened the envelope, taking out the letter inside.  


Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore
(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorcerer., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Conference. Of wizards)

Dear Mrs Lacuna,
   We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary and equipment.
  Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall
Deputy headmistress.

"Hmm... Interesting" she giggled and took a piece of paper from her night desk.

I would like to attend this school.
Lacuna Gold

She smiles, rolled it up and gave it to the owl. Lacuna took the small creature and put it on the window sill
"Bye bye" she said dreamily, pulled the covers over her head and fell back asleep.


The morning sunlight was streaming through the window, the birds were chirping and the tap tap of the owl. Lacuna opened her eyes, turned over and stared blankly at the owl.
She gave a nervous laugh and sat up.
"You are not real." She said in disbelief. She opened the window, the owl flew around the room again and droped the note on her lap.
"MUM" Lacuna screamed from her room, opening the letter while she jumped into her slippers. She looked down at her letter, opened it and read:

    Dear Mrs Lacuna,
We will need your parents signature. But here is what you will need for your first year at Hogwarts. 
We will also send a wizard to take you and get your equipment, since you're muggleborn family does not know about the entrance to diagon ally.
    Minerva McGonagall

Next the parchments letters merged  into a form, with a list of the school equipment and clothes to buy.
As Lacuna ran down the stairs, she charged into the room where her mother was.
"What is it sweets?" She said as she tucked her scarlet hair behind her ear. She placed 'life of pie' down onto the broken coffee table.
The room was small, a small TV sat on top of the fireplace; which  only showed static, an old coach, a coffee table used for all meals, and a small microwave for the meals.

"I think I signed up to a school without knowing last night..."
"You... Signed up to a school." She said in surprise and gave a slight laugh. Lacuna's mother was called Daisy, she was thin, frail, her eyes were a sky blue, specks of white hair were noticeable in her scarlet hair. She was very beautiful.

"Dear, what do you mean, you sure it wasn't another crazy dream." Daisy said as she sipped her coffee from a take away cup.
"Look," Lacuna handed her the form "something about witches... Oh and and an owl gave it to me." Just when she said that, the owl swooped down to the kitchen/dining/living room and landed on Lacuna's head.
"WHAT?!" Daisy jumped up spilling the coffee on the schools parchment. "No... No... "
"What is it?"
"You.... I was hoping this day would never come..."
Daisy sat with a big sigh and patted the small space on the coach. Lacuna sat down beside her, eager to know what she was about to tell her, (the last time this happened was when she confessed to eating all of the cookies.)
"You... You're a half-blood.. meaning you are half magic," she said unsurely "you see, your father​ was a wizard."
"I thought you said he was a hobo."
"No... That was a lie."
"I'm sorry..."
"But if I have magic, why didn't you tell me...?"
A short silence.
"I didn't want you to be... Get yourself into trouble. I mean you're already enough trouble that you're a seer..." She mumbled
"A what...?" Lacuna asked, still struggling to process the information.
"Someone who can see the future."

Still trying to ask questions about her heritage and magic , she heard the tapping of glass, from the owl... She looked around but the owl had its head tucked into its fluffy wing. She blinked again only to realise she was falling, she was wearing black robes, and a castle was gradually getting bigger and bigger. The wind whistling in her ears, the cold nipped at her cheeks while falling and the dreaded floor was getting closer and closer until.

Lacuna eyes opened in fear. The night sky was twinkling with stars while the owl kept tapping at the window.

She turned over, wiping the cold sweat from her brow and stared at the tiny owl. "Screw you." She sighed and opened the window for the last time. She opened the envelope, and dragged her feet out of bed and down the stairs. Daisy was sleeping on the coach with a thin, tattered blanket; sleeping softly. Lacuna poked her mother's nose "muuuuuuuuumm" she whined
"What is it sweets.." Daisy said dreamily
"Letter from Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry."  She said while holding up the envelope.
"Yeah and I know that I'm a half-blood"
Daisy stunned face softened a little "you had a dream, didn't you." She asked placing her hand on Lacuna's cheek, Lacuna gave a slight nod and looked down. "So you know you're a seer?" Daisy asked giving a slight, bitter smile.
"You need to sign a piece of paper to allow me to go... And they will send a wizard to pick us up and show us around..." Lacuna said unemotional
Daisy bit her lip, trying to think of a way to get Lacuna to stay.
"And you want to do to this school? Not a normal school?"
"I think this is the coolest thing that's happened to me!" She smiled cheek to cheek until Daisy didn't have the courage to say no. "Alright" she picked up a scrap piece of paper and wrote

I authorize my daughter, Lacuna Gold, to go to Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry.

Daisy Gold

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2017 ⏰

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