Fifty Shades Of Black (Leico Fanfic)

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Nico's P.O.V

Another sleepless night...My dreams scare me more and more each night. They are mostly about...Leo... I would wake up frozen in horror or with my sheets stained with tears.

But i'll never understand that...

If i had to choose someone i absulutley can't stand i'd answer "Leo!!" right away with his stupid jokes and that smile he always had on.

I slowly made my way into his cabin. I wanted to see if he was still here...make sure that what i had dreamed didn't happen. I saw him sound asleep. He looked so calm...he looked like an angel.I had never seen him so calm and not making those stupid jokes.

I walked closer to him and smiled. I ran my fingers through his curly soft hair. I kissed his cheek and looked down at the floor. I felt my face heat up. "W-why did I just do that" I asked myself. I stood up and felt someone hold onto my hand.

"S-stay" He said. He was obviously still asleep. Why would he want Me to stay....I probrobly creep him out on so many levels.

He looked up and smiled but it soon wore off. He sat up looking at me and there was that famouse smile of his again. "Woah...You're smiling..." He said laughing softly.

my eyes widened when i looked down at our hands. His fingers were locked with mine. I quickly let go of his hand. "Don't get used to it" I said looking at the ground blushing.

He laughed and lifted my chin up with his index finger. "What are you doing here?" He asked. "Oh...I umm...I...I was just...checking up on something" He nodded and smiled.

"You look cute when you blush." He said giving me a warm smile. I turned away trying not to smile like an idiot. "Like i said don't get too used to it repair boy" I walked out trying to hide my face wich probrobly looked like a tomato.

"Mi Nico no te vayas yo te amo" I heard him say in spanish. The only thing I under stood was "Nico" and "amo" Spanish sounded so much like Italian I could have sworn i understood "My Nico Don't Leave i love you"

I started debating if he had truley said that or if it was just me day dreaming again. I heard him talk again. "Me Amas Nico? Mi Nico quiero amas tambien?" I didn't know how to respond...

I simply gave him a warm smile and walked out.


ASDFGHJKL First Chapter♥ Pwease comment and let me know if i should change things or how i can improve thx for reading


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