Chapter one

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Sylvie woke up to the sound of My Chemical Romance playing from her black alarm clock, the blood red letters flashing midnight, even though it was actually six a.m. But midnight seemed more depressing and mysterious. She stretched out against her coffin. Her skin was paler than the moon looked outside of her window which was surrounded by a pair of black curtains which were the same colour as the young teens soul. She pulled her black sheets off and got slowly out of her coffin. It was time for another day full of the preps and of people hating her, this was a normal day for the teen as she never had many friends. Her music tastes and looks scared everyone away before they could get close to her.

She was pulled out of her thoughts by a knock at the door. It was her abusive and cruel mother.

"Sylvie, my dearest, most loved and appreciated daughter, it is time for breakfast. I made you your favourite. Red velvet pancakes with whipping cream!. Also, your Father got a raise at work and decided to splurge. So he got you a brand new iPhone 7!".

As you can tell from the previous interaction her parents were extremely abusive they hated her with a burning passion and she hated them back with just as much passion. Her parents never wanted an emo teen like Sylvie. The way her dyed black hair went over her right eye and down to her mid back with hot pink highlights, how her pierced lip and eyebrow and multiple ear piercings made her look like the edgiest meme lord, her endless band shirt collection made her parents scoff in shame. They never talked about her outside of the house, they HATED her. As she grabbed a MCR T-shirt she cried for a bit before stopping, MCR breaking up felt like yesterday to her. Sylvie then took a pair of black skinny jeans and slipped them on over her creamy pale legs even though they were slightly too tight for her now. Putting in her piercings and then going over and slowly brushing her flat-ironed dark black hair over, and over again. Finally she put on a pair of blood red converse shoes with black colour looking like it was dripping down from the top, you know, all emo like. Taking one last look at herself in her mirror, sadness, anger, and suffering, reflected in her deep emerald green eyes. She sighed and walked towards the door, mentally preparing herself for the abuse she was about to experience from her parents.

Walking down the stairs and entering the kitchen, she was greeted with the smell of the vile breakfast.

"Sylvie! My little darling daughter dearest!" her father exclaimed from the kitchen table. "Did you sleep well?".

"How are you this morning, my dear? Oh is that a new t-shirt darling? It looks wonderful on you." Her mother chimed in cheerily her brown eyes sparkling as she took in her daughter's appearance. She was so proud of the young lady she was becoming. Overcome with joy she reached towards her only daughter and went to embrace her in a hug.

Sylvie froze up, eyes widening in horror. Oh her mind was racing at the torture she was experiencing. She was going to be strong. She going to endure it this time, her eyes continued to follow her mother's arms until they were wrapped around her in a hug; Sylvie was petrified. This was the worst, her mother always hurt her this way and now Sylvie just learned to never fight back, if she did she would only get hurt worse than she already was.

As her mother pulled back and smiled at her beautiful daughter she moved her hand up and pushed Sylvie's hair back so that it was sitting behind her ear and now both of her piercing green eyes were showing. Her mother turned and walked to the table sitting down beside her husband and the even crueler parent. Sylvie's mother may have hurt her physically sometimes but her father hurt her verbally and physically. The two who were sitting at the table made her life a living hell.

Making her way over to the table Sylvie fixed her hair before sitting down on the wooden chair which was positioned on the opposite side of the rectangular table than her parents. Picking up her fork she slowly started to eat the red velvet pancakes with the homemade whipped cream hoping that they were not poisoned by her parents. In her mouth the pancakes tasted vile, it tasted like ripe strawberries and a small amount like cream cheese icing, it made Sylvie want to be sick. Hesitantly swallowing the bite of the vile pancake she continued to eat not wanting to face the wrath of her horrible mother.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2017 ⏰

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