Theories and Drunks

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"Now who can give their theory on Through the Looking Glass or Alice in Wonderland." the teacher stated from her perch on the precariously tipping swivel chair.

"I do!" A voice from the front seat sang at an annoyingly

musical scale. "The author was either drunk as what or stoned past the point of no return. In short, he was either high or highly drunk." the girl giggled.

"Well, you obviously enjoyed the book didn't you Miss. Marie." the teacher said sarcastically. It seemed like no one in this class had any intelligent conversation to share today, or any other day for that matter. At this point she forgot why she even had wanted to teach High School Literature. Such a beautiful subject shouldn't be wasted on people that don't appreciate it. A small hand was raised in the back but quickly pulled down like her thoughts had been stolen. She needed to her something good today and this girl was smart.

"Miss. Artemesia would you by any chance want to share your answer?"

Artemesia could never said no to a teacher. Whatever she would do to keep her grades above a 90. She decided it wouldn't hurt to share. As a bonus the Queen bee Marie was glaring shards of glass her way.

"Alright then, I suppose there is no harm in telling since these are just theories." Artemesia mumbled nervously as she gathered her papers and rustled them noisily.

"I suppose not" the teacher said, raising a thin dark eyebrow. "Would you care to start?"

She smiled and gestured for her to continue. Her dark eyes showed her curiosity that was yet to be sated. What was this girl about to say?

" I believe that Lewis Caroll was genius,a bright mind in a dark era. However twisted genius may be, it is still genius nonetheless. This was a tormented man that visited a land where his reality and subconscious combined, making these mystical creatures in his stories. He felt as if they were real and they probably were. Just as different people in his life, like a neighbor or past friends. My theory is that Wonderland is a real place that had it's name changed. A twisted version of the reality he did not want to face. Like Dorothy's dream in the wizard of Oz, his mind had changed everything so it was no longer recognizable and he went insane searching for what was right in front of him." Artemesia finished with a sad sigh. Everyone's sorrow seemed to be hers. Marie opened her mouth as if to make a smart comment or perhaps simply insult Artemesia but stopped. The teacher looked down at her with those dark stormy eyes and pressed a tapered, manicured finger to her mouth. As a simple version of saying Shut up, no one wants to hear your bull. She pulled down the ruby cat's eye glasses and let her gaze linger on Artemesia for a few more minutes.

"Is that all?" she questioned. Artemesia nodded and then proceeded to sit back down into the hard chairs of the school.

"Marvelous! Absolutely marvelous, finally someone with a genuine theory that not only seems plausible but also eloquently spoken!" the teacher squealed. Her grin was a half-moon and glimmering teeth showed themselves at this movement.

After class Artemesia stayed behind for a minute to pick up her dropped books. Before she could bend down to get them, the teacher appeared. She grinned and then gave her a quick wink with flared eyelashes doused in dark mascara. The teacher turned on her navy blue leather heels and pranced through the door without looking behind her. Leaving Artemesia in the midst of the classroom with a swish of her auburn locks. Artemesia looked up slowly and gathered her books in her hand. They were carelessly tossed into her black Oakley backpack and she ran out the door. School was too creepy without anyone in it.

Artemesia didn't socialize so once her backpack was stuffed with everything she needed and her locker was shut and turned to 0, she left. The large doors banged behind her as she walked out of the school for the weekend. She only got picked up on Thursdays So today she had to walk.

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