Never Alone

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                                                                                --2 Years Ago--

          "Zoey! Zane is here!" Aria called to me from the hallway.

          "Okay, I'll be down in a sec!" I called back. I quickly put on my purple summer dress and ran downstairs.

          Zane is an amazing person. When I was eight, I had been left in a burning building with no memory. And from what Zane told me after saving me, a vampire had attacked. He had been after me. Zane has been with me ever since. But now that I'm fourteen, it's like things are always awkward. It's been three months and Zane has only visited four times. He used to visit every day.

          I guess he finally found something better to do than babysit a charity case like me. He's probably gotten tired of the poor little kitten he saved.

          "Zoey, you know I don't think of you like that. I've just been really busy with lately with all the vampire stuff." Zane said, reminding me he could read my thoughts.

          "Sorry Zane," I say while giving him a big hug.

                                                                               Chapter One:

                                                                                Present Day

          "Zoey Kross! Wake up!!" the teacher yelled.

          Okay, so I wasn't really asleep. I was ignoring her. Class wasn't very interesting and I've already learned what she was teaching. The principle, my foster father, makes me go to class every day because, and I quote, "your education is as important as your training."

          Finally, I can't stand it anymore. I stand up and run out of the classroom. Mrs. Johnson comes running out of the classroom after me. She keeps yelling my name but I just laugh and run faster.

          When I finally realize she's no longer chasing me, I find myself at the stables. Looking around the stable, I notice my horse's stall door is cracked. I walk slowly over to the stall and gently push the door open. There stands Zane, grooming my horse.

          Zane's head snaps up and I know he senses my presence. I smile at him and step inside the stall.

          "You know, I thought horses didn't like you. Especially Persephone here. I'd heard rumors that she would run from you." I say softly.

          "Zoey, you're getting better at sneaking up on me. I'm not so sure I like that." He says, ignoring what I've said and walks over to hug me.

          I step back. I don't want him to touch me. I want to know why he is here and he's been very evasive lately.

          "Zane, why are you here?" I ask.

          "Oh Zoey, don't be like that. I tell you everything I can." He says, sounding angry. I flinch and step back again. I look down and turn to leave. He's scared me. He comes up behind me and hugs me tight.

          "I'm sorry, Zoey. Really, I am." Zane whispers.

          I turn to face him, looking up into his eyes. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer. I know I'm blushing but there's nothing I can do about it. He isn't letting go and he's getting closer. But just when his lips are mere centimeters from mine, my best friend, Aria, walks in.

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