Train of Dreams

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Chapter 1: The Beginning

Sadia was feeling negative and miserable; she just wanted to take a long journey away from her place and so decided to take a trip to the station, and hop on the first train she could find, hoping it would give her some time to just clear her mind and turn her thoughts back to positive ones. After having snuck through the security gates, and boarding one of the few trains that ran at midnight, she decided to rest her head, and try to make sense of what was happening in her life. Five minutes had passed, and with it being midnight and all, Sadia had fallen asleep. Terrible nightmares plagued her sleep, each one about the arguments she’d had with her family and the times she’d felt alone; each one progressively more vivid and worse than the last.

After tossing and turning for hours, the train began to shake, and woke Sadia up. “Oh crap, did I fall asleep?” she mumbled to herself as she rubbed her eyes. “Yes you did.” responded a strange voice. Shocked, she looked up and fell off her seat, “Ahhhhh who are you?!” she screamed. “Well, I'm the train conductor of course” responded the voice once again. She shook her head trying to wake herself up, and scanned the tall figure standing in front of her. It was an elderly gentleman, wearing old fashioned train conductor clothing. He had a smile on his face, and he held some sort of ticket collecting machine. “Wh-where am I?” said Sadia, taken back by the tall figure that now stood in front of her. “Why, you’re on the 3:30 to Ib of course.”  

Now, before we delve any deeper, you need to know a few things about Sadia. She was an average child, spent most of her days just trying to get by. She had a couple of friends that she’d occasionally spend time with, but usually found herself sitting in front of her laptop, reading. Her past wasn’t an exciting one; it was filled with various memories of her spending time with her family, and trying to make friends at school, which was difficult as her family moved around a lot, and never spent more than a couple of months in the same town. The constant moving was difficult for her, it often led to arguments between her and her siblings about who’d get the bigger room or competitions on who’d make the most friends. As you can tell, she usually didn’t win.

Now, where were we? Ahh, ok. “Ib, where the hell’s that? I got on the central line to Canada water”. She turned to look at the train map, and was taken aback by what she saw. She was no longer on the central line to Canada water.

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