Chapter One

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Let me tell you a thing about infinities. First of all, infinities are, of course, infinite. Secondly, infinities are a complicated thing. And thirdly, do not ever say "infinity plus one" to me, because there's a good possibility that I'll slap you. You can't add or subtract from an infinity- it's infinite. Duh.

Another thing about infinities- I love them. Anything that's associated with infinities, I have. I know it's weird, but I promise you, I'm not obsessed with immortality or anything. I just like infinities- drawings or quotes and stuff.

So when a guy- a cute guy, mind you- begins to flirt with you and mentions the word "infinite," you do the only thing you can do: flirt back.

"Is there anyway I can just get infinite coffees for free?" he sighed. I looked up from my notebook and saw that he was adorable. His long hair fell across his green-gold eyes, despite the black bandana that attempted to tame the mess of golden waves. His lips curled into a mischievous smirk, flashing off his dimples. He was a classic good looking boy with a rough bad boy exterior.

"Sorry, that's not possible. Plus, I'm pretty sure you'd die from all of the caffeine." Quick fact- I'm horrible at flirting. "But, uh- I could get you the special for today."

The boy gave me another devilish smirk and leaned on the counter. "If it's something any more special than you, it's gotta be good."

I cocked an eyebrow. "Okay, that's probably the cheesiest line I've ever heard."

"That bad, huh?" He giggled, standing up straight and tucking his hands into the front pockets of his black ripped skinny jeans. His giggle threw the whole "bad boy" persona out the window, but I'll be damned if it wasn't the cutest thing I've ever heard.

"Like, on a scale of one to ten? A solid four." I laughed. "But you get bonus points for trying."

"Man. That was my best line, too." He ran his hand through his shaggy hair, with mock-disappointment on his face.

"What a waste." I shook my head, copying his look of disappointment.

"Ah, well, I wouldn't exactly call it a waste." He smiled, looking up at me through his hair, his green eyes piercing. Hot damn, this boy was going to be the death of me. I blushed.

"Ah, so... yeah, the special today is the new pumpkin spice latte for only $4.99 if you wish to purchase that." I stammered, loosing my cool. Dammit, Maddie! Get your crap together. Don't let some boy get you in a twist.

"Pumpkin spice? Summer's not even over yet and they're already starting to sell autumn flavored stuff?"

"Ah, yes, I'm afraid so. What with everybody going back to school and the leaves starting to turn..."

"School..." He groaned. "Don't remind me." I could tell he wanted to keep the conversation going, and part of me wanted to keep it going, too. But the line was starting to grow...

"Sir, will you please order? I need to keep this line moving."

"Ah, yes, of course. Pumpkin Spice Latte it is, then. Large, please."

"Okay. Name?" I asked, punching in the order and grabbing a large cup. I uncapped a sharpie with my teeth.

"How about 'your next boyfriend'?"

He can't be serious. Why is he still trying? I'll admit, I was flattered, but I knew that I was just a game to him, and I wasn't willing to play. "Kind of long, don't you think?"

"I'm fine with shortening it to just 'boyfriend'." He replied smoothly.

"As last-ditch efforts go, that was pretty weak. Name, please?" It was fun while it lasted, cute boy.

He sighed. "Ashton. Ashton Irwin." I nodded, writing it down. I went in the back and began to fill up the cup with the needed ingredients and came back to him, foaming spice latte in hand.

"Ashton Irwin?" I called out. He stood and presented his receipt, and I handed him the coffee.

"Four dollars and ninety nine cents please. Out of six and...what's this?" I asked, holding out the piece of paper he handed me along with his money.

"My number." He replied nonchalantly, taking the change from my hand. "Call me if you need any help. Or just, you know... Call me." Ashton grinned, his green eyes twinkling. He walked backwards out of the store so smoothly that I was almost praying he bumped into something. I watched him through the window in awe as he hopped onto a black motorcycle parked out front. Holy shit he even has a motor cycle. I shook my head, and decided that I would never call him. That bad boy seemed like just too much trouble that I didn't need. Besides, I had danced that dance too many times and knew all of the steps and the associated heart ache.

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