Part 01

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It was a perfect night to hit the club, so that's exactly what I did, except I went by myself. As I sat down at the bar a very good looking bartender came to "service" me.

"What can I get you beautiful?" he asked

"Ehh, I'll take a sex on the beach on the rocks with you on the side." I laughed & winked at him. My corniness was too cringey.

"Coming right up gorgeous." He said as he started making my drink. I turned around and look at the people on the dance floor. Grinding and what not. But let me tell you, I don't think my eyes deceive me but lord I saw The Weeknd. My future husband, yeah. The bartender gave me my drink and said some dumb ass pick up lines that I ignored. I stared him down for about 5 minutes and drank my alcohol. "Fuck, this shit good." I coughed out. Fuck VIP! I couldn't get to Abel because he was in VIP! I stood up and caught a couple of eyes.

Being 5'1 & 24 years old isn't easy, believe me. Just think about that, me being 5'1 , and my future husband was 5'8. We'd be perfect! I made my way to the dance floor,trying not to get ran the fuck over. I looked up at Abel again and I guess he caught me looking..


I saw this little ass girl, well, not little girl but she looked short as fuck, even from up here. She look good and all but, can a nigga get his face back? "Lamar, you see the short hoe on the floor?" 

"Yea, why? She kinda cute. You want me to bring her over?"

"Yea, go get her. And bring the girl next to her."

"The tall one with long hair & a bunch of red on?" I shook my head, he already knew wassup.




I looked at both of the girls. "Damn ma, what's ya name?" I said to the girl in red. She started blushing and giggling, I got that effect.

"My name is uh, uh, Melissa." I smirked, she shy.

"Wassup with you? What's your name shorty?" I said to the girl in black.

"Jhane, fuck." She said fast and rolled her eyes. I see she got a lil attitude.

"I see you got an attitude, huh sweetheart?"

"Yes I do! Mean mugging me and shit like the fuck? I won't look at you again then, damn! Niggas get famous and act like they too good for the public eye mhm boy bye."

 She definitely gonna have to lose the attitude, or I'll happily do it for her.

I looked the girl wearing red up and down. "So, how about you give me ya number, and get outta here sweetheart. I'll call you later." Just like I thought, I gave her my phone and watched her put in her number. "Now go and run back to ya girls gorgeous. And you shorty? You gonna come in my limo and we can go to a nice hotel, and I'll show you a good time, so what you tryna do?" I looked at her closely. Shorty was fine indeed, she was probably almost 5 feet, had long hair, and a nice face. "And why would I do that?" she smirked at me. "Aye Lamar, I'm out! There's always an after party. You feel me?" I said and grabbed lil shorty.

Always An After Party - The Weeknd Freaky Imagine (EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now