The problem I see in this soceity, and the established order.

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I've come to an well informer conclusion that spiritual and personal convictions in America have lead to the downfall of great industrial output into the consumers freedom of choice in what he or she buys. Commonly you'll hear the excuse out off public servants, elected officials, and guidance counsellors that many depressed patients, anxiety stressed workers, and failed marriage couples are regular stereotypes addicted to tobacco products most commonly cigarettes. Well I think they not very familiar or in touch with original sin taught an explained quite well in the old testament, which explained the human being is bound, destined, and forever will commit an act of venial or mortal sin in an abrupt, readily, and mild manner mood with out even recognizing in a quick second what he or she had done. We do it for personal gain, long term benefit, indulging in our satisfaction to up dopamine levels, and the self preservation of what we put into our earthly possessions.

Late 19th century corporate deals put the young sickly untrained apprentice tradesman into kicking ass an taking names free spirited laborer daring to challenge the might, technique, and out perform the motivation a foreigner had exerted at the time. Idealist believers with the vigor of Jehovah's witnesses who feel destined and worthy of themselves exercise their authoritarian view of the dangers, evils, and ill practices of a corporatist society for their supposed war of treating the consumer with monopolies, false harassing advertisement, and bombardment of making people by products of our capitalist system.

A formula all workers must take heed to:Motivation=performance

This all sounds like the liberal democratic agenda right? Well it's the firm belief in quite a majority of registered conservative republicans who have instituted with their fellow so-called rival democrats restrictions, boundaries, and a multitude of helping taxes on business expanding horizons of future careers for the young generation. The same can be said of big tobacco which is slammed by the menial, petty, insensible argument of smokers suing the pants of small farmers, brokering firms, and cigarette design makers who knew the repercussions of their product they were marketing. Also spending billions of their own money, on their own accord, to let common general public awareness of your intake this product could kill you long term just like that of drinking. Yet the innocence of society is breached by these vilifying thugs, pursuing their convoluted schemes of reaping more profit by merely adapting to the wants and needs of the domestic/international markets, only first experienced by the willing volunteering customer fully being aware of his action.

James Buchanan Duke was truly revolutionary in the tobacco market, and may have even defined his motive for innovation in investing funds into high tech effective work equipment to excel the maximum efficiency of his workers, implement paid off time for workers, and develop incentives for his hardest workers to aspire to higher positions in the company. But we see dark road which daunts these men with enormous public scrutiny thanks in part to Teddy Roosevelt's supreme court nominees, and infamous journalist Ida trabell's war against the trusts created by James P. Hill railroads, Dukes tobacco, Rockefeller's Oil, Carnegie s Steel, and even under Carters Administration Kellogs Cereal brand took a beating.

An example I like to reiterate is The Brown shoe company later followed by Schwinn Bicycle which were tarnished by Justice Earl Warren(the lead scoundrel of the Warren Commission) who rules against their so called artificial price control net work, their readily stable source of cheap south American imported rubber, but not even considering the fact of the great employment statistics at the time, or thinking of how many people were going out of work cause of his verdict.

To add this last tragedy in the free market history of America, unemployment benefits were non existent at the time, and the great financial instruments conjured by Wall streets best & brightest were setting up for a 100 years worth of economic disaster. Such convoluted scheme's such as derivatives, credit default swaps, mortgage backed securities, and under priced mortgages were all overseen an under the protection of congress, while the American people were getting swindled right under their noses.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2010 ⏰

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