part one

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"He's beautiful, yet terrifying. He scares me, yet makes me feel safe. He's the Alpha, but makes me feel like im in charge . He's the original hybrid, but im his original love."
I watched him from affair, his brother talking my ear off.
"Elijah do you ever prefer to stop talking?" i ask him, my voice full of sarcasm. Elijah laughs and puts his long: brown, curly hair behind his ear. "I prefer to let the new wolf in-town know how my brother can be." he says,walking me thru his villages garden.
"Niklaus can not be that bad," i say as i touch a daisy and feel the peddles brush against my fingertips.
Elijah watches me, fixed on what ive been doing with my other hand. Ive been playing with a small trinket full of vervain, only so the original vampires-and an original hybrid- cant compel me to do/ and or feel something that isn't what id do.
"And what is that?" he asks me, reaching for the small trinket. I pull my hand away. Perhaps i was scared of what may happen if he found out that i was carrying vervain on me. Who knows, maybe he would have killed me right here. Right now. Not caring who would see. Elijah seemed to have noticed that i was debating on letting him see the small trinket full of vervain.
"I can see the fear in your eyes..." he trails off, and eyes the trinket carefully.
"Its a natural look." i lie. And hope he believes what i just said.
"Oh? And if it's not fear, then explain why your hiding that tiny little trinket from me.." he says, his accent making each and everyone of his words even more interesting than the last. He raises his eyebrow and goes to reach for the trinket this time. I let him grab it. He inspects it and and looks at me a bit curious.
"Now how do you come across vervain? Hmm little wolf girl?" he says, with a bit of anger laced in his accent. I gulp and grab it back from him. "Its not yours to look at anyways." i say, and put the trinket inside my corset, so nothing else will happen to it. Elijah stares at me, either in awe or in hatred.

"Elijah." i hear a stern, thick accent say. And i know exactly who it is. Niklaus. The original hybrid. We both turn to look at him, his long,blonde, curly hair, blowing in the slight breeze. "I couldn't help but listen onto your conversation, being a hybrid and all." he continues to walk toward us. Im in awe at him. Hes handsome, and makes everything seem more interesting. He has a way with words that Elijah doesn't have.
"Niklaus. I presume?" i say, and bow slightly. He stops infront of me. "Its a pleasure.."i say and look at him.
"The pleasure is all mine..."he says, kissing my hand and looking up at me charmingly. Perhaps it was the way his lips felt on my hand,or perhaps maybe it was the way his Brown eyes looked up at me, with a hint of mystery in them.

"Niklaus isn't a hybrid yet madam,"Elijah says, "he still hasn't broken the curse.
"What curse?" I ask, my hands behind my back. My curiosity getting the best of me. Niklaus raises his eyebrows and smiles a bit.
"Now that, my little wolf, is a secret I can not tell you. Because if I did, if have to kill you, and dagger my brother here." He says, absolute seriousness in his voice. I tilt my head at Elijah and laugh. He doesn't seem fazed so I know this all has to be a joke. I giggle and put my very long, and very dark hair behind my ear.
"You're joking right?" I say and or ask.
"You don't dagger a sibling because he or she did something you may not have liked. Right? I mean that's very silly."I say, bending down and sniffing the lillies. Niklaus and Elijha watch me.
"I suppose it can be silly, when you put it that way, dear." Niklaus says, grabbing my hand softly and leading me to the castle.
"Of course it is silly. Don't you agree Elijah?" I ask, following Niklaus, Elijah following behind me. Elijah walks quietly. "Well don't hold your tongue." I say, my light accent being heard.
"I wish to not be on my brothers bad side." Elijah says, all though he is the eldest.

Niklaus opens the beautiful carved wooden door. And inside. It is even more beautiful.
"Its like you live in a castle!" I say, excitement in my voice.
"We prefer mansion." Says someone with a voice a bit higher then Elijhas. And it seems like his face all ways wears a mask of fear.
"Sorry?" I ask, trying to get a better understanding. "How do you mean?"
"We live in a Mansion. For us to live in a castle we need to be slaves or the royals who live and run the castle. And as you can see, we do not wear crowns above our heads." I raise my eyebrow and look at Elijah form the corner of my eye.
"And who are you?" I ask him, breathing in thru my nose and out of my mouth.
"I'm finn." He says, coming down the stairs and bowing slightly. Just as I did when I met Niklaus. "And may I ask who you are?" He says looking at my with curiosity.
" I am Anastasia. Anastasia sun." I say. Eying Finn.
"Sun?" He asks me, surprised that's what my last name is.
"Funny last name for a wolf, right?" Comes a feminine voice, directed towards Finn. I recognize the voice right away and turn around.
"Rebekah." I breath, over joyed to see her. She walks over in lightning fast speed. And hugs me. I hug back tightly. "Its so good to see you," I say smiling and pulling away from her. She smiles back at me and takes a long look at me.
"Last time i saw you, you were a wolf." She teases me, winking at me.
I roll my eyes playfully, and smile at her.
"You lot know eachother?" Niklaus asks, looking at Rebakah and then me.
"I met her when she-" Rebakah starts but i cut her off.
"Lets not get into details !" I say as i cover her mouth and give her the "shut up before i kick your ass" look. She laughs and looks at Niklaus. "Yeah, we know eachother. "

Elijah raises an eyebrow. Finn looks at Niklaus. Niklaus looks at me and flashes a smile. "Well i will get it out of you.." Niklaus says, his accent echoing off the walls and into my ears. "You see Niklaus, me n Rebakah met when i almost broke my curse, and that's all that needs to be said." I say, getting a bit cocky and standing my ground. "I like this one." Comes a voice from behind Niklaus. I roll my eyes as i recognize the face behind him.
"Hello, love. " he says.
"Kol." I say as me and him lock eyes.
I dont know if this story will stick because i dont write as much, but just an fyi- this book is gonna be totally different, in this book Niklaus becomes a hybrid earlier.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2019 ⏰

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