making love with a pokemon

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Hello my name is Sarah. (May) I can talk to pokemon. My friends are Hayley(Dawn) and kayla.(Misty) But the pokemon who was not olny my partner but my love Zoroark. When I was a little girl he saved me. I was being attacked by a group of. Emboars and he saved me.. will we ever be toghter forever?

"Sarah how about just me and you go out to night" Zoroark asked me while runing up to me.

"Sure but we have to meet hayley and kayla later". I answerd puting the map I was reading in front of my. closer. He looked at me in a wied way. "If I didn't know no better I would think you liked me" Zoroark shoot at me. I blushed. He smiled. My phoned started to ring. "Ya.. really. Okay.. sure.. Tuesday..bye"

I said talking to the other person. "That was who" he asked..He looked into my eyes. I saw what was that love? Its was the time that. That nothing elase matterd..."let's go" he said as he picked me up on his arms. "Ohh" I said to myself as he did that. One of his hands went up my leg and he ran very fast. I buid my face in his chest. Trying hard to hide the redness in my face. Zoroark olny if he knew what I would do to him...

Later.... " Can't wait untill Tuesday we get to meet back up with Hayley and Kayla"! I yelled. Out very happy. "That's means tonight is the last night for us to be alone." Zoroark said in a mad way. Looking like wanted more time. But for what?. "Its cold outside tonight" I told him trying to get him close to me. He smiles thens jumps in bad with me under the blakets with me. I smile. "Get the light" I tell him. "Okay" he anwsers me. I try to keep my hands to myself. He puts his hands on my waste. My eyes get big. "Umm. Zoroark your a pok" I get cut off when his slides down my shorts. "Shhhhhhh." He tells me. I moan. His hand runs up and down my puss*. I hold his hand. Not in a pull back way. I let him touch me. "Zoroark" I whisper in his ear. He pulls my hand on his di*k . I should have pulled away. I stroke it. "Sarah I can't hold it back. "He saids. I node. He slips of my shorts off and pins me down. "Are you ready?" He wispers in my ear making me wet as ever. I didn't know how to do it my frist time with the pokemon I loved. " Yea. Babe". I say without moaning. "Am going to teach you somthing you will never forget." He saids I smile and let his take it. He slips it in. I moan very loud. It really hurt at frist......then when I came around I enjoyed it. I mean what was better then making love to the thing you loved more then life? I wrap my legs around his waste. He smiles. Then he moans."why are we doingthis am a human your a pokemon"? I choke out. Not how I said that. He looked at me in a mad way. He stoped then glared at me. If you feel that way am leaving... "No dont "! I tell him he opens the door then closes it and hopes back in the bed. Slips it in and leaves it in. "I know. How you feel but if you love me you woundt care what everyone elase thinks" He saids like his heart has been riped out of his chest. I nod. We don't say two or more words the whole night.......

"KAYLA"! I yell as I run over to her with my arms wide open. "SARAH" she does the same. Zoroark has been behid the whole day . "I missed you bestfriend"! Kayla told me while huging me "No I missed you more bestfriend" I said to her but my mine was spening. On what had happen last night..."Sarah"? Kayla had asked me eariler. Then I heared someone yell my name. I looked over and saw..."N!" I yell and ran a crossed the. Grass. N was my boyfriend. I told him I would wait for him because he was in kanto catching rare pokemon..I never really broke uo with him..We were all going to kanto next week and he told us we would come pick us up and go with us. "OMG I missed you.!!" I scermed. .And ran into his warm big arms and turned around so my back was on his chest. "Sarah....I missed you so much" He told me as he leaned over to kiss my head then wraped his arms around mine as he held my hands .I smiled "N am so happy to see you again" I said as I closed my eyes and lean aguinst him. But when I open my eyes I saw Zoroark glareing at us like he was going to kill N. "Sarah I thought we had somthing going on.. I love you Sarah" He said heart broking. " N I got a new sexy boyfriend now."you didn't wait for me"? N asked me. I look down "no sorry I coundnt. I fell in love with some one else. And last night he took it." I said holding on to his arm." Whaaaaaat I thought it was us forever? Baby girl don't do this to me... I love you your my soul mate!?" N said coming close to tears. I closed my eyes and look down fighting the tears. I love N and Zoroark. Does this mean I had to give one up?! 4 hours later.......

I held my tummy as I bended over the trash can throwing up. Huh I having a baby I did have sex with Zoroark last night... Hayley who I meet soon after N was going to stay with me untill we all were going to kanto yes even kayla. So it was me, Zoroark, kayla, N, George,hayley and her man Boo Le. "Sarah are you having a baby?!!!" She asked as ahe walked in my room. "No am not I don't have sex.!"I lied. Oh please tell me am not by a pokemon I swear. Zoroark had came and standed next to me. "Sarah don't tell me your..." he got cutt of when a Rotom came flying in. "Rotom get out and go to hayley!" I told him pointing at hayley listening to her mp3."Zoroark come on were leaving we have to go to the store I have to find out and buy a you know what." I whipers in his ear so big mouth Rotom won't hear. "Hey guys what's going on." Rotom asked knowing we were talking about somthing he coundnt hear. I noded my head and stood up . Zoroark came with me. We walked to the store then he asked me about N. "You know we went out and loved each other but he went to kanto. And I fell for you babe." It still felt really wied to call him babe. But I loved him and it was time to use to it . " I know you two did but I know he still loves you and you love him but am hopeing you two will get over it". I stoped and touch my stomich when I felt somthing move. "Sarah was worng" he ask. "Nothing let's go" we ran to the store. Then I bought a test. "Thank you" I told the saleslady. Soon I was home I waited untill late night then took it. Waited then when I saw it and it took my breath away. I droped it when I heard a loud knock on the door."Sarah can George come over tonight" She asked me. I hurryed and hide the test and opend the door. "What now?" I asked hiding the shock in my voice. One eye brow went up. "You okay you look wied what's going on?!" She asked. I shook my head. She looked at me "okay well just give me your key"? I don't know if she was asking or telling me. "Huh" I stoped when I saw her look outside on the poruch and saw mouth hanging open. "Hello sarah." He was with kayla boyfriend George. He walked over to her and up his hands on her hips and moved them up her shirt....They were whispering stuff in each others ears. Soon after that she took him by his hand and ran upstairs. The door slamed and soon after the door got locked. "Wow so its just us I guess" he came close put his one hands on my back to darw me closer. "Y-ya I guess" I told him looking away. "Well well well" he whisperd in my ear his voice made me melt. Then he kissed me....."........" I tryed to say somthing but I just coundnt. I grab a hand full of his green hair. He took me to the bed upstairs. "Oh KAYLA". George moan really loud. We both laugh outside of the door. Then he pushed me on my bed. He thew me on the bed and got on top me. The movemen coundnt have been better. He kissed my neck, i was powerless. Am glade my pokemon in his pokeball..then we went under the blaket. And made true love.

Ch 2 Coming Soon.


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