Don't Let Me Go (A Shoey Fic)

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Okay I hate myself for this seeing as how I barely update the one direction fics I have now but I was looking for a good Shoey fic (Shane Dawson and Joey Graceffa) and I couldn’t really find one so I was like ayeee ima write one! I literally ship shisa so hard its ridiculous and I ship myself with joey… oops. But I love shoey and I want something new to write other than my book (IDK IF I TOLD YOU GUYS BUT IM GONNA BE A PUBLISHED FREAKING AUTHOR! LIKE HOLY COWWW!!!!) and stuff for my playwriting class. But yeahhhhhh without further ado, Don’t Let Me Go.


It's hard to watch the person you love be with someone else... its even  harder when that person asks you to be his best man. Joey has been in love with Shane for as long as he can remember but he's always known it wasnt possible. Shane has lisa and now thats even more true because they're getting married. But sometimes things arent as they seem and you cant let go until you figure it out.

Don't Let Me Go (A Shoey Fic)Where stories live. Discover now