Adopted by 5SOS

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My life is so terrible. First my mom died so my dad is blaming it on me that mom died . He beats me up all the time. I try to stay out of the way of my dad. I was listening to music on the radio and it stopped playing the song. The radio man said that they are doing a contest to win a backstage pass to see 5sos at their concert tomorrow night so if you know the song that we are going to play call at 180-6756- Radio Station -6978 now I love 5sos so much I know all their songs by heart. I know the song so I call the number and hot to be caller number one. The Radio man said what is your name I said my name is Latisha sir. What is the name of this song its called heartbreak girl. You got the whole thing right. So come on over to the radio station to get the backstage passes to see them play tomorrow night girl. So I start to walk to the radio station and got the tickets. So all I have to do is hide them from my dad until tomorrow night. That will be hard to do. Right when I get home my dad is anger at me cause I'm got home late at night so he started to beat me up. I got a black eye and a bruised hand. Got to bed early tonight for the concert tomorrow cause I want to be well rested and not tried at all . The next morning I got up to make my dad breakfast so not to get hit for not making any. My dad got surprised at me for up so early in the morning. He didn't beat me up now but I fought to do the dishes he got mad and gave me a black eye and hand again. I was fast at getting out of the house to see the concert. The security guards saw my backstage pass and told me to follow him to the stage for now. 5SOS started to play their music. I love their voices so much. Did I forget to tell you that I can play all instruments the saxophone,guitar, piano, the trumpet, and the drums. The instrument that I can play very well is the drums the concert ended and the band started to go backstage to their dressing rooms. Their bodyguard starts talking to them and said that they have a winner of the contest from the radio station over there the person is okay. Hey the band said hi I'm Ashton, I'm Calum , I'm Luke , I'm Michael and were 5sos. Luke asked for my name I'm Latisha . They all say that's a cool name. Ashton said would you like to come with us to our dressing rooms so we can talk to you. Ok I said we got to their dressing rooms. Then Luke asked me what are my hobbies. My hobbies are playing all the instruments singing and playing on the Xbox 360. All the boys are stunned by my hobbies. Then Calum asked me and the other boys to a contest to see who is the best at playing the instruments. The boys said that I could go first so I did I started on the guitar and then played it for a song that I wrote a while ago. Soundly I'm singing the song ( pretend that that the girl came up with the doing who you are and not Jessie J ) Latisha is singing "Who You Are" I stare at my reflection in the mirror: "Why am I doing this to myself Losing my mind on a tiny error, I nearly left the real me on the self No,no,no,no no... Don't lose who you are in the blur of the stars! Seeing is deceiving, dreaming is believing, it's okay not to be okay. Sometimes it's hard to follow your heart. Tears don't mean your losing, everybody's bruising, just be true to who you are! (who you are [x 11]) Brushing my hair, do I look perfect? I forgot what to do to fit the mold, yeah! The more I try the less it's working working,yeah! ' Cause everything inside me screams No,no,no,no,no... Don't lose who you are in the blur of the stars! Seeing is deceiving, dreaming is believing, It's okay not to be okay. Sometimes it's hard to follow your heart. But tears don't mean your losing, everybody's bruising, There's nothing wrong with who you are! Yes, no's, egos, fake shows, like whoa! Just go and leave me alone! Real talk, real life, good love goodnight, With a smile that's my own! That's my own, no... No,no,no,no,no... Don't lose who you are in the blur of the stars! Seeing is deceiving, dreaming is believing, It's okay not to be okay. Sometimes it's hard to follow your heart. Tears don't mean your losing, everybody's bruising, just be true to who you are! Yeah yeah yeah. Everybody in the room was silenced. Then they all started to yell and have me high fives. Michael then said how did you learn to play from my mom that left me and my dad. Ashton finally saw the black eye and black hand and said to Latisha what happens to your eye and hand. Latisha started to cry because of them the band gave me hugs and said that you can trust use you know ok. Okay. Latisha then fall on the floor and Luke picked her up of the floor and put her on is lap and said that she can tell use what happened so she did ok it started when my mom left me and my dad. One day he came home from work and yelled that it was my fault that mom left us so he kept beating me everyday for a year then one night he came home drunk and took it to far and raped me . He said if I tell anybody he will kill me. And I'm so scared that he will kill me please help me please. Then Calum said that do you have a phone yes so give us your phone so we can put your numbers so when you are so scared of your dad that he gave you bad beats to you you can call us to get us ok ok. Well we have to go home do you us to drop you off at your house said Michael. Yes please. Try dropped Latisha at her house. In the car with 5SOS Everybody is talking about Latisha. The Luke say that if her dad does go to far four times we are going to call the police but if Latisha wants us to call them ok everybody say ok. We are here boys get to bed Ashton sleep in the living room on the floor and Calum in the living room also ok and Luke and Michael share a bed for tonight night guys they all say night to Bill the bodyguard and fall a sleep. The next morning at Latisha house she sleeper in so she didn't have time to make her dad some breakfast. Her dad then stormed right in her room and got so mad he started yelling at the top of is voice LATISH WHY ARE YOU STILL IN BED AND NOT MAKING ME BREAKFAST YOUNG LADY I'm sorry dad but I'm too tired to get up and make you breakfast dad ok so get out now. Did you just tell me to get out of your room Latisha yes you do not tell me what to do get up now!! The her dad got so angry he beat her so hard to breathe then he stopped and left her room. She called Luke. At the boys house in Luke's and Michael rooms. Luke got a call and picked up and said hello he then heard hard breathe in the phone then he heard Latisha crying and saying Luke help me please. Luke said what happened Latisha said that he got so mad at me so he beat me very hard Luke ok Latisha me and the guys will be there as fast as we can ok ok but please hurry he said that he would be back soon to beat me again. Ok bye I will be there soon. Luke then woke up Michael and told him what happened to Latisha he then got up so fast got dressed and yelled at Ashton and Calum to get up to get Latisha fast. We got to her house and text her saying that we will come at your window and we will be there ok. Ok Luke walk to your left and see a window come at it and I will be there. We see Latisha at her window Michael helped her out her window and carried her to the car. He asked her if she wanted sit on seat or on his lap. Latisha said that she would like to sit on his lap please. He said that will be fine. Calum asked Latisha what she wants to do when we get home? But we got no answer because she fell asleep on Michael's lap it was so cute also Michael was also asleep to we al took a picture of them sleeping! When we get to the house we just got your bodyguard Bill to get them and put them on the couch together. We all watched them sleep and cuddle up. We started playing the the Xbox until 11:07Am.then we went swimming. Michael and Latisha finally got up at 6:59Pm. I called all the boys over to ask if we should tell her the plan was. They all say yes. I call Latisha over here to tell her what will happen if her dad does it again. Luke called me over for something. Yes Luke ok here is what's going to happen me and the guys were thinking the car when we dropped you at your house last night. We want you to call any one of us to tell what happened when you got hit. So you called me first so if it happens four times call us as fast as you can so we can get you safe from your dad. Thanks Luke but one question yes what will happen will you call the police and hand cuff my dad. Ashton said yes we will call the police. What will happen to me because at school we were learning about abuse and they said if that happens and you got no one to look after you you will go to a orphanage to live instill some adopts you. I don't want to live at a orphanage. That's when we said that would you like to live with us Latisha? We wait for to answer the question. All of a sudden she yelled a big YES and gave us a big hug. Oh no what I have to get home before my dad finds out that im gone all day! Ok we will drop you off. Lets go fast please cause if im gone to long he will hurt me. Later that night her dad was waiting for her in her room. Her father Jim starts screaming at her were were you young lady. You now are going to get another beat from me. Ok then you are going to sleep outside for the night! I try not to cry cause that just makes my dad even madder at me. I get ready for the first hit and another. I goes on for a while. Then he gives me a broken leg and arm blood every and takes me outside with nothing to use? When he is gone I cry and call Ashton. Ring Ring Ring hello I say Ashton it's me Latisha please help me I need to go to the hospital cause I broke my leg and arm and my dad took me outside to sleep for the night what do I do? You stay put and wait for us to get you and bring you to the hospital ok ok bye. Guys get up out of bed and get in the car now. Why Ashton Calum says? Cause Latisha is in trouble with her father and he put her outside to sleep and he broke her leg and arm and there is a lot of blood on her. After I say all that they run to the car. How that was fat you guys ran to the car. Ashton she is outside sleeping with nothing and a broken leg and arm yes we will run fast to the car what do you suspect that we do nothing about it says Michael. We finally got to Latisha's house to get her. We see a girl on the ground in blood and crying her eyes out. Latisha are you ok no it hurts so bad right now please help me get to the hospital. We are going to the hospital now for you! "At the hospital ". We start yelling to the nurse that this girl needs some help because she has a broken leg and arm and blood everywhere on her. What happen to her says the doctor. Her dad abuse her and he took it to far one time by taking something of hers and then he beat her again yesterday and tonight and took her outside to sleep. I think the guy should be in jail for a long time says Ashton. I think so to said the doctor he calls the police officers and tells them to come to the hospital now cause there is a girl living with a abusive father ok. They said they will be here soon. Ok a nurse says that the girl keeps saying that she wants 5sos to come in the room please. We all go in the room to see Latisha with to cast on her leg and arm. Latisha says Luke all of use thinks its best to live with us and not your father cause we called the police officers to come down to the hospital and talk to you for a minute is that ok? Yes cause I don't want to be living with my dad for every thanks you guys. All sudden the cops came and told use to please get out of the room so we can talk to the girl. Thanks. "cop#1" ask what's your name? My name is Latisha sir. "cop#2" says so what is happening at your house? My dad always beats me up when I don't make him breakfast or when I give him warm beer and not cold beer!. Please help me to get my dad out of the house? Cop#1 says we will take the man out of you life do you have anyone to take you in to live with them no. Then you will be put in a orphanage for now ok No please don't put me in one MICHAEL help me. With the guys out in waiting room talking and then they hear a piercing scream from Latisha's room. We hear her say MICHAEL so loud. He starts running to her room with us right behind him. Michael then ask what's wrong Latisha. She says that they are going to put her in a orphanages instill someone adopts me. Oh oh. Michael stay with Latisha and me and the others go and stop the cops before they leave to get her father ok. Ok Luke says Michael. We start running as fast as we can. We see the cops talking to the doctor about something. We yell officers they stop talking and turn to use and say yes? When you wee talking to Latisha about someone taking her to live with them she fought that we said that we want to adopt her. So you don't have to put her in a orphanage please. Ok what are your names boys mine is luke, Calum, Ashton, and the other one that is with Latisha is Michael sir. Ok me and my partner are going to her house to get her father. A lady will be here for her but you can tell the lady that you guys are keeping her. Yes sir we all say. We go back to Latisha's room and see again that her and Michael are next to each other on the bed we take pictures of them. We call Bill to tell what happened and that we are going to adopted Latisha is that ok. Yes that's ok. Me and the guys fall asleep because we are very tired. We all then wake up at the same time. To tell Latisha that she does not have to go to the orphanage. She was so happy for that. Then a lady came in with a suitcase with papers sticking out of hers case. Are you guys going to be taking Latisha to your house. Yes we are ma'am. Ok I just need your guys signature please. Ok thanks. Ring ring yes are you Luke yes we got Latisha father in jail she can get her stuff from the house if she wants to. Thanks officer you welcome young man. Latisha yes Luke your dad is in jail and the police say that you can get your stuff if you want to? Yes please. Hey Calum can I sit on your lap please in the car? You may sit on my lap Latisha says Calum. When can I get out of this hospital Ashton right now. Ok they get in the car and Calum and Latisha are in a deep sleep in the car. We get Bill to get them and put them on the floor in the living room on Ashton's bed. They never woke up today they slept through yesterday and today,yesterday and today They finally woke up and they both say what time is it Michael says its 11:22am on September 26 you guys slept five days in a row that is a new record for Calum. Guys we have to pack up cause we are going on a tour for a month or two so Latisha you don't have to worry about your dad cause we are going all over the world for tour. So pack guys I don't have to cause I have only two clothes to wear cause of dad brunt all my clothes and smashed my laptop. But I hide my guitar and my drums from my dad. Hey Ashton can we go to my house to get guitar and bass and drums please. Sure Latisha. We finally got the instruments from my house. The night before the tour. Is sleeping in the living room all alone and Ashton and Calum are in their own rooms. In the middle of the night all 5SOS hear a bloody scream coming from the living room all the boys run down the stairs to see Latisha crying and covered with sweat on her face screaming NO DAD PLEASE DON'T HURT ME! Luke runs to her and comedown Latisha its Luke your buddy come on you have to wake up for me please. It actually works cause she cling on Luke so tight that he can't breathe. We ask her if she wants to sleep with someone in their own bed? She says please. Clime say who do you want to sleep with? She ask if she can sleep with Michael and he goes over to hr and says hop on my back to go up stairs and she does. Hey Michael are you a deep sleeper? Yes I'm am why cause I'm one too so of one of the boys wakes us up they can't also when my mom was with me and my dad I would always have nightmares and when my cuddle's with me I don't have anymore of them for the night. So if you cuddle with me I won't be screaming again ok. Michael then cuddles with her for the rest of the night. In the morning Luke, Calum, and Ashton go together to wake up Latisha and Michael so they can eat and got on the bus. They go In the room and they all awe when they see Latisha and Michael cuddling into each other and take pictures. They try to wake them up but its hard because they are both deep sleepers. Then they give up on waking them up and go down stairs for some breakfast. An hour later both Latisha and Michael finally get up. Michael can I go on you back please. Sure they go down stairs to see the band members are on the couch watching tv and see we are up. Hey you guys hey Calum what is for breakfast guys. Anything you want to eat. The bus finally comes and they put Latisha's guitar and bass and drums in the bus and their bags for the tour bus you know that we had a band to play before you guys play will they had to cancel so there's nobody to play before you guys do. Bill we actually do have someone to play for us and that is Latisha. She can play for us the whole tour if she wants to. Yes that would be so cool Ashton I can do the drums or the bass or the guitar. Ok their first concert with Latisha with them. Hey everybody before we play you guys are going to hear someone play before we do. Her name is Latisha and she can play all the instruments and she going to lay for you guys. The guys have never heard her play the drums before. Latisha plays the drums so good. After she is done. She goes to the guys and they have open mouths and stunned by her playing. Calum then says that you are so great at playing the drums. Thanks Calum you welcome Latisha now we have to play. You can watch use play or watch us from our dressing room. You can do anything you want to do. Thanks the guys go and play and Latisha goes in the dressing room and watch but falls asleep listening to their voices. Thank you Australia have a good night guys. Well done you guys now go to your dressing room and change to sleep on the bus. Ok John we will be back soon to go on the bus. Aston all sudden laugh like a school girl it was so funny. What has that Ashton what my laugh Luke I don't know why I did that it just came out. We stop laughing when we see Latisha sleeping on the couch with a smile on her face. Calum try's to wake her up but she hugs him like a teddy bear we all laugh quietly so we don't wake her up. It was to hard for Calum to wake her up so he just let her hug him like a teddy bear. Calum had to sleep in his clothes because Latisha still won't let go of him. They cuddle up and fall asleep. We all said night quietly so we won't wake them up. * the morning on the bus* rise and shine guys we have a big day ahead of us. No Phil we all want to sleep in today please. No Michael. Why not? Cause did you forget that you guys are going shopping and you guys can get tattoos or piercing any were you want them to be. Yes ok lets go guys. Latisha got a lip piercing a nose piercing and 9 tattoos Luke got a lip piercing 10 tattoos calum got tattoos also Ashton and Michael got tattoos. When they got done with the tattoos they went back to the tour bus to go to a new town. * to London * * Luke * Ashton were is my favorite movie? Its in the couch Luke. Ok thanks. *Luke * Ashton yes I don't feel good. *Ashton * ok do u want me to help you feel better soon yes please. Ok can we cuddle with you. Ok lets watch the movie and I will help you feel better. * Luke * I feel like throwing up now. Ash yes help me I think I need to the bathroom and throw up and lets go.* Ashton * shit Luke you need to go to the hospital fast cause it has been a hour since you have been throwing up and it is not getting any better at all. *Luke* ok I will go thanks Ashton for been there for me all the time! *Ashton * Lashton moment your welcome Luke you are my best friend of all time just don't tell the other boys that I said that ok thanks. * Luke * hospital now please thanks. *Ashton * doctor what is wrong with him? * doctor * he is alricke to some blankets of some sort of thing

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2014 ⏰

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