The One That Got Away.

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Title may be changed:

The One That Got Away

     ** Chapter 1 **

Kasha's POV

"June, what are we doing here in a tent and infront of us a fortuneteller?" I whispered to my best friend June.

"Sheesh, Kasha. Just, we never done anything fun. Ever since your new boyfriend Bax. C'mon just do it... For me " June said the last part beggingly. 

It was true. Ever since Bax and I got together. I rarely hung out with June, well because Bax thinks June's pulling down my reputation. 

June was slightly gothic with a mix of biker girl. She is tough when she is in school, but when she's alone with me. She's girly as hell.

"Fine." I said. I never liked fortunetelling. It's scary. All those woo doo~ or what cha' ma' call it.

I never liked the fact of knowing your fate or destiny. I liked to find out myself.

As I sat on the cushion next to June, the old woman, named Destiny had a big crystal ball in front of her. She asked for June to stretch out her palm towards Destiny. I stared at what was happening. June was acting a bit jumpy. After Destiny let go of  June's palm. She looked at her crystal ball and waved her hand mysterious around the ball, muttered a few words with eyes close. 

A few moments later, her eyes shot wide open, staring at the empty crystal ball. She stared at June and said :" You, my child will have a great boyfriend which will lead to marriage.You may have no worries. Everything in your future will be bright." 

Destiny then looked at me,asking me to stretch my hand. I did as I was told. She held onto my palm a bit longer. Stared at it, scarily.  Before doing what she did before with the ball once more. Muttering a few words I couldn't make out.

With her eyes closed , she said : " You my child. Will soon regret a decision you made. A decision where you let go of a person. A person who is so important to you. And then your world will crumble!"

Who was she talking about? It's can't be Kevin the Freak. I know I don't love him. Maybe it was...

"Kasha, can I have 3 bucks please? I don't have any change now. I'll pay you back later." I gave June 3 bucks before walking towards the car wondering who might be that special someone.

*** The Next Day ***

In front of my locker talking to June as usual. When suddenly...

" Hey! Kasha!! I thought I told you not to befriend with this freak!"

I turned around looking at the person who said that insult. " Bax. June is not a freak.. What's wrong with you... I can choose my own friends." 

" Kasha, I'm helping you with your reputation. Being my girlfriend, isn't just smooching and all... You have to have rep... And this girl. June? She's pulling you down."

I forgot that June was with at the moment until I saw a petite fist slammed into Bax's nose.

" OH!!- Hey Bi--"Before Bax could continue, another blow from June was sent.

" Serves you right" June said. 

"Did I say anything wrong? Aren't you a freak??" Bax barked. I saw June's jaw clenched and her fist just got a little bit tighter. " Say that again. I dare you!" I never seen June this angry. She was always the one who would ignore all the insults. 

"You--" I was right... Before he could actually finish the sentence June's foot already targeted the place where the sun doesn't shine. Hitting him hard. I wonder if he can still pee? 

" Bax we're done." I said with a simple mono tone and pulled June before she kills the poor dude.

I dragged her to a corner and waited until the coast was clear.

" June! I never seen you this angry! What happened?"

" Kasha!! I'm sick of being called the freak whilst you are called The Barbie Girl. I'm sick of your endless boyfriends. I'm sick of ignoring all those insult without a punch. I'm sick of letting people have their way." She breathed in. then out " you might never felt the feeling of being insulted but... I do.. And it's not something to brag about. And your boyfriend Bax--" I cut her off " Ex, starting about 2 minutes ago." 

" Whatever, Your ex-boyfriend Bax-tard!! His just asking for a deathwish. Don't you get it... I wanna change. I'm going to change... Into a different person.." With that she brushed past me and went off without a glance back or a bye. She just left.

** Few months later** 

She left me for the past 3 months. Never returned my calls, never even gave me a hint she was still alive. June really wanted to be someone she's not. Maybe she hates me? 

"kasha! someone's here." My mom called me from the kitchen. I dragged myself downstairs wondering who it was. I'm going to kill em'. It's 6 in the morning, for Pete's sake. 

I opened the door, before closing it back. Slaming it in the person's face. What? Who? Why? It's can't be.

I opened it again before staring at the person. " Hi Kasha!" 

 I blink again. Is my eyes deceiving me?

** So How is it??Boring ?? Uninteresting? You don't get the plot?? Nobody does at first.. Thank you for reading until here.. I apprecia-- I mean We appreciate it!. 

So who do you think it is? Hmmm let's see... Maybe it was Bax?? Or was it... * hint*

Read more to find out. Love Kayla And Zoey. The next chapter will be update by Zoey!

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