Switzerland & Liechtenstein

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Vash Zwingli stood in his living room, admiring his rows of rifles. That was only one wall. He had walls and walls, cases and cases, closets and closets of artillery. He smiled slightly, remembering how everyone knew to never mess with him or his younger sister, Lili. The Swiss man walked to his couch, sat down, pulled a rifle off his back and started to clean it. The World Meeting would be commencing shortly. He wanted to look his best, as usual, sharp but intimidating. Everyone knew how protective he was of his Lili Liechtenstein. He pulled on his green-and-brown army camouflage jacket, strapped his rifle to his back and stood. His phone chimed, causing him to jump, pull out his rifle and aim. Switzerland sighed angrily, put his gun away, and pulled out his cellphone. A text from Germany, the head director of the meetings. He kept everything orderly and in line.

Switzerland - odd parallel versions of all countries are here. Counterparts. Called 2ps. Exact opposite of you. Don't trust. Meeting off. -Germany

Vash's brow furrowed deeply. What the hell? What in the name of god was a 2p? There was only one him. Himself. No opposite version. No parallel. No counterpart. Germany was back shit crazy. What kind of sick joke was he playing? Switzerland didn't want to concern himself with such nonsense. He growled and put his phone away.


A half an hour later, Vash was fixing the bow in Liechtenstein's hair. Lili's hair was trimmed just like Switzerland's. short and cropped to a bob, curving around the back of the neck, shorter in the back than in the front. Lili wore a pretty pink bow in her hair because when she was wearing her green military outfit she looked exactly like Vash. They even got mixed up sometimes. The bow kept them as two different people. "Ready for the meeting, Lili?" He asked calmly, and got a quick nod from the shy girl. He took her hand and started to lead her to the door, then he saw a figure approaching. He growled and shoved Liechtenstein behind him suddenly, causing her to gasp slightly in surprise at the uncalled for move. "Quiet," he hissed, "and stay behind me." He pulled the gun off his back, not even having to look at her to know she'd nodded in agreement. Vash bent down on one knee and aimed the barrel of the rifle out the crack in the window. He closed one eye, locked his target and slid his finger over the trigger. He was about to fire when he froze in shock. He was aiming at himself.


2p. That was the name of who he was about to fire at. His own self. His 2p. The parallel, opposite him. Everything he was in appearance, yet nothing like Vash Zwingli in personality. Germany hadn't been fooling. This was real. Parallels had come from another world. Another universe. Another dimension. Vash was frozen in disbelief.

"B-brother..?" A slight tug at his sleeve snapped him back out of his thoughts. Lili was tugging on his jacketsleeve. "Brother, there's people out there. Who is that man?" She asked softly.

"They're called 2ps, Lili. The guy out there is the opposite of me. Do you understand?"

"He looks like you," Lili replied. If newborn kittens could talk, their voice would sound like Lili's.

"He's the opposite of me. I just said that. Do not trust the me lookalike. He could be dangerous. Let me do the talking, you do the listening," he commanded, and received a nod from his little sister. He stood, opened his door, and barked, "Oi! Who are you and what the hell are you doing here?!" He pointed the rifle at his 2p. The man froze, dropped to his knees, burst into tears and shook uncontrollably.

"I-I'm your 2p, m-my name is Sven, h-hello, Vash," he whimpered, and covered his head. "L-lower the gun, y-you'll just be shooting the second y-you," he added.

"The world only needs one me," Vash replied harshly, then clicked the gun. Lili whimpered from behind him, and the Swiss man softened. He sighed, lowered his rifle, and walked to the crumpled, quivering, coward of a man. "Stand!" He barked fiercely, and his 2p obeyed. Vash looked Sven up and down. "You're the opposite of me?" He asked, and Sven nodded. "That means you hate guns, are a horrible fighter, and instead of shooting, you cower at the softest sounds." Sven nodded again, and Switzerland sighed. Damn.


Sven sat shivering on Vash's couch as the angered Swiss man called Germany.

"Hello?" Germany answered, sounding winded.

"Yes, hello. Is the meeting off? What is this odd man doing here? You weren't kidding about the 2p thing, were you? And why the hell do you sound like you ran a marathon?!" Switzerland demanded impatiently. He wanted answers.

"I was running to catch Gil's 2p. Every country has one. Yes the meeting is off. The 2ps come from an alternate, parallel universe, I don't know why they're here," Germany panted, "but Gil's is suicidal. We're trying to catch him before he gets to the knife blo--WOLFGANG!" There was a loud crash in the background, and the line went silent and beeped as Germany hung up on the Swiss man. Vash growled and slammed the phone into the receiver, causing Lili and Sven to jump and gasp. He looked at Sven, his eyes narrowed to slits.

He leaned in close to his shaking 2p's face and hissed, "you get close to my Liechtenstein and--,"

"And WHAT?" Sven snapped. Vash raised an eyebrow, then came to the shocking discovery: if he himself was angered, he'd shoot, not fight with his fists. If his 2p was angered, he'd become stronger than ever. No more cowardly 2p.

"And what? I said, and what? Tell me Vash, what are you gonna do, shoot me?" He pulled his shirt off, revealing a bulletproof vest covering his chest and stomach. He clenched his fists so hard his knuckles cracked, the skin split and his hands bled. "Go the hell ahead, Switzy."

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