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Life is full of moments. Happy moments, depressing moments, but moments all together. Like a body is made up of cells, our lives are made up of moments. Some make up a large part of our life and some just remain insignificant and long lost in our memory vaults. Moments make living worthwhile. Sipping coffee on a bed or a comfy chair, maybe with a book in your hand, and you're not able to concentrate on anything because you keep rewinding your past. You keep remembering the "good old days" and you forget what you were doing. Such is the power of moments. Without even realizing, we give so much power to moments. Moments ruin us too. Moments which seem like nightmares; only nightmares aren't true, but moments are. And some moments make us too. Like a dream come true. Isn't it a bit funny how it's so much easier to remember the negative moments but so much difficult to recall the good ones? No, it's not funny. It's sad. We give so much importance to negative life events that we forget about the positive ones. We forget about the things that make us happy. We forget what made us smile once. We keep focusing on the bad things so much that we leave no space for the good vibes to come in. Such is the downfall of life. Just like bad cells in an organism defect it's parts, bad moments in our lives defect some phase of our life too. But just like there's bodily cure in medicines, there's a way to cure these bad moments too. No, replacement is not an answer. Because even though these moments are negative, they are a part of you. Cure is the answer. The cure lies in changing the perspective. Look at the same thing differently. Look at the depressing pouring rain as an enricher of the Earth. Look at the harsh sunlight as the sunshine of your life. People who've lost hope in tomorrow have had nothing but just a chain of bad moments. But stop right here and rewind to look at those bad moments. Was there nothing good in it? Were you so blinded by bad faith that you couldn't even look at the silver lining? Look closely, there was something good in it that you overlooked. Moments keep us alive, refreshed and ready to face another day. Each second that you immerse yourself in life, you are creating a new moment. Each minute that you don't realize passing by, is a reminder to you that life is happening and it is happening now. That you are alive. That you should smile; because these moments will continue to live with you. No matter how hard you try, moments will keep coming back to you. And if moments are this important, then why not make some memorable ones? 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2017 ⏰

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