❀ one ❀

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"Fuck, you're doing it wrong," Michael yelled. He started getting frustrated with me since I kept messing up on my homework. Michael was my tutor and best friend, which was kind of weird since he's almost as stupid as me. But hey, he makes pretty great food.

"Maybe you're teaching me the wrong way, idiot!" I yelled back while trying to hold back my laughter.

"Why did I agree to tutor you? I'm honestly no help anyway."

"Because you looooove me," I said while poking his sides. He stood up from the seat and pushed me to the floor. "Prick!" I shouted while he ran across the house laughing.

Michael and I had been best friends since second grade. He moved from Australia to Chicago, and he was new to the school. People teased him because he had a funny accent, and I stood up for him. We pinky-promised to always be friends, and here we are in Junior year, still close as ever. Well, I'm in junior year. He's a senior.

Michael's phone rang and I watched him as his hand dove into his pocket searching for it.

"Hello? Yeah, I'm over at Lilly's. How many times do I have to tell you, she's just a friend. Uh huh. Right now? Shit, okay bye." Michael locked his phone and rushed over to gather his stuff from the table.

"Sierra called and wants to go to dinner, like right now," he explained while stuffing his binder into his bag. Sierra was Michael's girlfriend, and the biggest bitch and school. She was always acting as if she was better than everyone just because she's super rich, a cheerleader, and cakes herself in make-up.

Rolling my eyes at the mention of her name, I spoke up while stuffing a strawberry in my mouth. "I honestly don't know why you're still with her. She's a fucking bitch."

He heavily sighed and looked at me. "She's just... Hard to figure out. But once you get to know her, she's great."

"We both know that's just your lame excuse of trying to hide that she's your fuck buddy. Do you even love her?"

"Love is a strong word, Lillian."

"I told you not to call me that you bastard!" I yelled, chucking a strawberry at him.

"Farewell, Lillian," he said, trying to use a posh British accent. I watched him walk out the door and glanced at the clock. It was 7 P.M., and a school night. My parents wouldn't be home until later tonight, so I decided to go out. I was craving Starbucks really badly, and the heart wants what the heart wants.

I walked down multiple streets until I reached the glorious doors of Starbucks. Pushing the glass door open, I looked around to see it was almost empty. Walking up to the cash register, I glanced at the barista, but had to do a double take. He looked familiar. I couldn't think of his name though. Glancing at his name tag, I mentally face palmed myself for not remembering.

"Lilly?" Ashton said.

"Hi. You go to my school right?"

"Yeah, but I'm a senior. I always see you around with your boyfriend with the crazy hair. Mitchell, I think?"

"Michael, and he's not my boyfriend." I laughed at the thought of Michael and I dating, that would never happen. The only thing close to a relationship we did was have sex once, but it was a deal we made when we were in primary school; if we were still virgins by 16, we would be each other's first time. We've discussed it before and agreed it just wouldn't work out.

"Right. So what would you like to order?"

"I think I'll have a--"

I was cut off by a boy bursting through the door, yelling. He had black hair and looked Asian, but he had an Australian accent. Am I the only one without an accent around here?

Study Break // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now